Mulder & Scully -by Catatonia - X檔案

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-05-05T16:52

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最近在聽某合輯時聽到這首歌,剛才看了歌名才熊熊發現是Mulder And Scully...



Catatonia - Mulder & Scully

I'd rather be liberated, I find myself captivated
Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it too . . .
I'd rather stay bold and lonely, I dream I'm your one and only
Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it too . . .

Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone

I'd rather be jumping ship, I find myself jumping straight in
Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it too . . .
Forever be dozy and dim, I wake myself thinking of him
Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it too . . .

Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone

My bed is made for two and there's nothing I can do
So tell me something I don't know
If my head is full of you is there nothing I can do?
Must we all march in two by two by two?

And as for some happy ending, I'd rather stay single and thin
Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it to me

Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone here
Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone

So what have you got to say about that?
And what does someone do without love?
And what does someone do with love?
And what have you got to say about that?

Tags: X檔案

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2010-05-10T09:08
謝謝分享 這讓我想去把S唱歌給M聽那段找出來看一下XD
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-05-15T01:25
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-05-19T17:41
謝謝分享!! 真的把M&S當成了一個典型~^^

期待已久的The X-Files

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-04-28T19:57
OMG~~~~!!! X-Files終於得到美國A片商的青睞 X-Files也有AV版 片名「The seX Files A Dark Xxx Parody」 封面是Scully和Mulder兩人(一個穿套裝 一個穿西裝) Scully還蠻像的 Mulder不像而且有點壯 看過宣傳預告 劇情安排 和影 ...

日本 X 檔案 DVD 雜誌

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-04-25T23:28
日本的 DeAGOSTINI 發行《X 檔案》的 DVD 雜誌。 照上面的說明,這系列雜誌每期的 DVD 收錄影集四集,還有一本雜誌詳細介紹 各集,也介紹劇中探討的超自然現象、外星人等等,全彩印刷,非常精美。 雜誌另有專屬收納夾, ...

Re: AXN 將再度播出《X 檔案》

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-04-15T00:42
剛剛發現 AXN 節目表把《X 檔案》改時間播出,所以這邊一起修改。 ※ 引述《komina (大蘋果店沒力考古員)》之銘言: : 剛剛查節目表時發現的。 : AXN 將在 4/12 (一),重播《X檔案》第一季。 : ...

Who's Lillian Katz in Season4 #12?

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-04-07T16:51
這集是猶太女人用泥土召喚被人殺死的未婚夫復仇的故事 結局出現字幕 In Loving Memory of Lillian Katz 所以這個人到底是誰? 題外話,這集的幾個演員真的都是猶太人嗎? 看起來樣貌的確不太一樣, 演戲有時也要說希伯來語。 那個演納粹隱性支持者的眼鏡男看起來就有點像德國後裔。 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-04-06T20:44
原則上因為時代有點老舊,以致於現代年輕一輩的不知道X檔案,別說是美國了,光是台 灣年輕一輩的人都不知道X檔案這部電影,我曾經拿X檔案主題曲給國小學生聽時,全部的 學生都問我這是哪部鬼片的音樂,我當時就覺得這部片只剩下音樂可以吸引小孩子(當時 我回答是美國的鬼片。),所以要推廣X檔案勢必要有新的元素去推廣會比較 ...