NBC's "Lights" shining brighter - 歐美

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2007-04-12T02:16

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LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - NBC's "Friday Night Lights" are shining


A day before the freshman series' season finale, the network on Tuesday
ordered six additional scripts of the critically praised but low rated series.

While this is short of the early second-season order NBC recently bestowed on
another struggling rookie, the comedy "30 Rock," the order does strengthen
"Friday"'s chances for a return next season.

"Friday" is the second NBC series on the bubble to receive a six-script order
this week, following a similar pickup for veteran "Medium" Monday.

"Friday" is an adaptation of the 2004 feature about a high school football
team. Kyle Chandler leads the ensemble cast of the drama, which
recently won a Peabody Award.

It's the hunger, hunger for alternative
and the refusal to accept a life of unhappiness.

Sarah Pierce, Little Children

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2007-04-16T13:17


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2007-04-12T01:05
請問大家臺北市市民大道跟敦化路口那張大海報.. 是不是THE O.C 裡的summer?我想確定我沒看錯.. 好想知道主角們現在各自的發展..謝謝啦!~ - ...

Dead Like Me

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-04-11T18:19
最近因為適逢美劇停播期 所以我開始找一些之前沒看過的片 就看到dead like me在Tv.com有不錯的成績 但是看到版上大部分都沒人討論, 於是就想說先看第一集,如果難看就砍掉了 但是整個情節都還蠻黑色幽默的,女主 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2007-04-11T13:32
請問哪裡可以找到CSI犯罪現場(拉斯維加斯) 第一季的英文字幕檔呢? 由於最近跟同學在練習英文 所以想要手邊有字幕檔或是劇本可以對照一下 但是第一季似乎有點遙遠了而且也不了解該去哪才能找到檔案 所以希望各位大人可以幫忙一下 感激不盡 - ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-04-10T22:19
昨天在書局隨意翻到一本書 內容主要在探討現在的大眾文化 作者用電視,電腦,電玩來探討 特別是電視的部份 用許多影集的例子來說明 看到的時候簡直是大喜XD 今天立刻跑去買回來看 真的很好看 推薦給大家~ http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item= ...


John avatar
By John
at 2007-04-09T21:30
是這樣的 最近周圍的朋友都喜歡上看外國影集 問題是大多都是女性觀眾 她們想從有很多帥哥且劇情不賴的影集開始看 這樣才有原動力(我知道這理由很爛XD 所以想請問各位影集通 有沒有在台灣租的到且合乎以上條件的外國影集 ps:除了sex and the city以外 先謝謝各位大大啦!! - ...