Rachel的老爸們揭曉 - 歡樂合唱團

By Iris
at 2012-03-23T18:44
at 2012-03-23T18:44
Table of Contents
剛剛才看完 E13 真是有點落伍啊 (汗)
然後看到 Jeff Goldblum 有大吃一驚的感覺
因為在 ID4 那個年代我們都記得這位教授 XD
所以特別去 google 了一下,文章內容大概跟本篇差不多,
其實如果 Elton John 有空,根本就是完美的人選啊~
《Glee》同性戀爸爸們人選已定 情人節專集登場
據YYeTs新聞傑夫-高布倫(Jeff Goldblum) 和布萊恩-斯托克斯-米切爾(
Brian Stokes Mitchell)將加入《歡樂合唱團》劇組大家庭。兩人將飾演女主
角Rachel的同性戀爸爸海勒姆(Hiram)和雷諾易-貝利(LeRoy Berry)。
高布倫以其在《法律與秩序:犯罪意圖》(Law and Order: Criminal
Intent)和《侏羅紀公園》(Jurassic Park)中的精綵演出而為人熟知,不僅
士》(Two Gentlemen of Verona),這也是他的百老匯處女作。
米切爾同樣也有很多舞台經歷,包括《Man of La Macha》和《拉格秦姆》
(Ragtime),另外還因其在《刁蠻公主》(Kiss Me Kate)中的出色表現贏得
女貝蒂》(Ugly Betty)中客串出演過。
《歡樂合唱團》的執行製片人瑞恩-墨菲(Ryan Murphy)在這個月初曾證實
有傳聞說艾爾頓-約翰(Elton John)可能回來客串,但是墨菲透露說這位音樂大
在劇中飾演球球的麗婭-米雪兒(Lea Michele)之前曾透露說,他她認為納
森-連恩(Nathan Lane)應該是出演球爸爸的極佳選擇。
※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言:
: JANUARY 17, 2012 07:52 PM PST
: Glee Exclusive: Rachel's Gay Dads Revealed!
: As far as parental cliffhangers go, it’s second only to
: the identity of the Mother on a certain CBS sitcom:
: Glee has finally cast Rachel’s gay dads,
: and TVLine can reveal which musically-inclined actors landed the plum parts.
: A show insider confirms to TVLine exclusively that onetime
: Law & Order: Criminal Intent detective Jeff Goldblum and
: Broadway veteran Brian Stokes Mitchell have been tapped to
: play Hiram and LeRoy Berry, the adoptive parents of Lea Michele’s character.
: The duo will first appear in the show’s Valentine’s Day episode —
: which as luck would have it will actually air on Feb. 14,
: and is titled “Heart.” And yes, they will sing.
: Although Goldblum is best known for his movie and TV work,
: he’s also an accomplished jazz pianist who made his Broadway debut back
: in 1971 in the Tony-winning musical Two Gentleman in Verona.
: Mitchell, meanwhile, is something of a Great White Way legend,
: having appeared in dozens of high-profile productions
: including Jelly’s Last Jam, Ragtime, Man of La Macha and Kiss Me Kate
: (for which he won a 2000 Tony Award for Best Actor.)
: His TV credits include playing Kelsey Grammer’s onscreen nemesis on Frasier
: and a love interest for Vanessa Williams’ Wilhelmina on Ugly Betty.
: 原文與照片 http://0rz.tw/mmQXH
: 這兩位我都不認識... 其中一位在UB的角色我也沒有印象
然後看到 Jeff Goldblum 有大吃一驚的感覺
因為在 ID4 那個年代我們都記得這位教授 XD
所以特別去 google 了一下,文章內容大概跟本篇差不多,
其實如果 Elton John 有空,根本就是完美的人選啊~
《Glee》同性戀爸爸們人選已定 情人節專集登場
據YYeTs新聞傑夫-高布倫(Jeff Goldblum) 和布萊恩-斯托克斯-米切爾(
Brian Stokes Mitchell)將加入《歡樂合唱團》劇組大家庭。兩人將飾演女主
角Rachel的同性戀爸爸海勒姆(Hiram)和雷諾易-貝利(LeRoy Berry)。
高布倫以其在《法律與秩序:犯罪意圖》(Law and Order: Criminal
Intent)和《侏羅紀公園》(Jurassic Park)中的精綵演出而為人熟知,不僅
士》(Two Gentlemen of Verona),這也是他的百老匯處女作。
米切爾同樣也有很多舞台經歷,包括《Man of La Macha》和《拉格秦姆》
(Ragtime),另外還因其在《刁蠻公主》(Kiss Me Kate)中的出色表現贏得
女貝蒂》(Ugly Betty)中客串出演過。
《歡樂合唱團》的執行製片人瑞恩-墨菲(Ryan Murphy)在這個月初曾證實
有傳聞說艾爾頓-約翰(Elton John)可能回來客串,但是墨菲透露說這位音樂大
在劇中飾演球球的麗婭-米雪兒(Lea Michele)之前曾透露說,他她認為納
森-連恩(Nathan Lane)應該是出演球爸爸的極佳選擇。
※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言:
: JANUARY 17, 2012 07:52 PM PST
: Glee Exclusive: Rachel's Gay Dads Revealed!
: As far as parental cliffhangers go, it’s second only to
: the identity of the Mother on a certain CBS sitcom:
: Glee has finally cast Rachel’s gay dads,
: and TVLine can reveal which musically-inclined actors landed the plum parts.
: A show insider confirms to TVLine exclusively that onetime
: Law & Order: Criminal Intent detective Jeff Goldblum and
: Broadway veteran Brian Stokes Mitchell have been tapped to
: play Hiram and LeRoy Berry, the adoptive parents of Lea Michele’s character.
: The duo will first appear in the show’s Valentine’s Day episode —
: which as luck would have it will actually air on Feb. 14,
: and is titled “Heart.” And yes, they will sing.
: Although Goldblum is best known for his movie and TV work,
: he’s also an accomplished jazz pianist who made his Broadway debut back
: in 1971 in the Tony-winning musical Two Gentleman in Verona.
: Mitchell, meanwhile, is something of a Great White Way legend,
: having appeared in dozens of high-profile productions
: including Jelly’s Last Jam, Ragtime, Man of La Macha and Kiss Me Kate
: (for which he won a 2000 Tony Award for Best Actor.)
: His TV credits include playing Kelsey Grammer’s onscreen nemesis on Frasier
: and a love interest for Vanessa Williams’ Wilhelmina on Ugly Betty.
: 原文與照片 http://0rz.tw/mmQXH
: 這兩位我都不認識... 其中一位在UB的角色我也沒有印象
All Comments

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