Re: 今天的CSI (7x20 雷) - CSI

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2007-04-13T14:23

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※ 引述《Topanga (Believe, dream, try)》之銘言:
: 推 tonylin:難怪這集叫做 Lab Rats...... XDD 04/13 13:54

說到 Lab Rats, 這禮拜的 TV Guide 有一篇介紹:
"Meet the Lab Rats"
有 Henry, Mandy, Hodges, Wendy 跟 Archie 的介紹

(竟然網路上找不到不能剪下貼上...@@ 辛苦一點當練打字好了)

[Jon Wellner]
CSI ID Henry Andrews
Expertise toxicologist
Character DNA "He's the eager beaver of the techies, always trying
to impress the elder CSIs", Wellner says. "He's like the
younger brother of the group."
Lab lessons "I'm also a researcher on the show. I don't know how much
knowledge I've retained but I've learned a lot about the
forensic world. I know how to poison people, but I can't
divulge that."
New evidence This episode, called "Lab Rats"-- the regular CSIs are
out in the field-- is the first in which all five lab
workers appear together.

[Sheeri Rappaport]
CSI ID Mandy Webster
Expertise Fingerprint analysit
Character DNA "She's a little bit quirky and flirtatious," Rappaport
says. "It's easy for her to be one of the guys, but
she never forgets she's a chick and manipulates that
every now and again...There's a bond between a couple
of [the lab rats]--I definitely think there's liquor
involved with this group."
Lab lessons "I focus on fingerprints more than I used to. I'm looking
for ridge detail. If I see a smudge, I know that the
person who used that glass had a callus. So doing this
show can make you smarter."

[Wallace Langham]
CSI ID David Hodges
Expertise Trace technician-- processes anything that's not
DNA or fingerprints from crime scenes
Character DNA "Hodges thinks he runs the lab, that he's too smart
for the room," Langham explains."He desperately wants
to be like Grissom, who is the only one he pays attention
to. He's mostly a kiss-ass!"
Lab lessons "I'm stopped a lot by fans who say, 'I love your
character,' which is surprising because Hodges is
such a pain in the ass. And I mean that in the most
loving way."
New evidence "Hodges has a crush on Wendy." That's his Achilles heel."

[Liz Vassey]
CSI ID Wendy Simms
Expertise DNA analyst
Character DNA "I figure Wendy was incredibly socially inept and
unpopular in high school," Vassey says. "There's something
comforting about numbers and statistics for her."
Lab lessons "I don't have to memorize a lot of difficult terms, but
CSI has taught me how to rock a centrifuge-- how many
women can say that?"
New evidence "She has an ongoing competition with Hodges, which hasn't
been explored until now. But it's also a flirtatious
relationship: 'I want to lead, but you sure are cute!'
I hope that goes somewhere."

[Archie Kao]
CSI ID Archie Johnson
Expertise Audio/visual analyst
Character DNA "He definitely takes his job seriously, but he's got a
life outside of the lab," Kao says. "He likes art. He
likes Star Trek He rides a Harley. He had a girlfriend
a few seasons ago. But maybe after she saw him in a Star
Trek shirt on a Harley, that was it."
Lab lessons "He's smart. Certainly better than I am at utilizing
the equipment," he says. "People always expect me in
real life to help them figure out how to use their
digital cameras or hook up their DVD players. I think
I need an Archie Johnson too."

Sex COULD kill you.Do you know what the human body goes through when u have sex?
It's violent. It's ugly. And it's messy.
If God hadn't made it UNBELIEVABLY fun, the human race would have died out
eons ago.
Men are lucky they can only have one orgasm.
Know that women can have an hour long orgasm? -House 1x03 Occam's Razor

Tags: CSI

All Comments

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-04-15T08:01
推...Hodges喜歡Wendy ??
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-04-17T12:24
"Hodges has a crush on Wendy." (驚!!)
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2007-04-18T23:56
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2007-04-22T01:43
"Hodges has a crush on Wendy."(驚!!)老布你跟我們驚什麼
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2007-04-26T18:47
因為同事那麼久竟然沒發現嗎 XD?
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2007-04-27T19:45
其實我知道啦~ 我只是喜歡當鄉民, 湊一下熱鬧~
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2007-04-30T13:01
布拔是業餘鄉民 ...φ(._.)
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2007-05-03T16:08
布拔是業餘鄉民 ...φ(._.)
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2007-05-08T02:00
布拔是業餘鄉民 ...φ(._.)
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2007-05-09T02:51
布拔是業餘鄉民 ...φ(._.)
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2007-05-11T06:56
布拔是業餘鄉民 ...φ(._.)
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-05-15T10:29
布拔是業餘鄉民 ...φ(._.)
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2007-05-20T01:08
我個人認為這集應該要叫做: Hodges的一天 XD

CSI:NY 3x20 (雷)

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2007-04-13T06:29
有雷 本集一開始是一位刺死在中央公園、身穿盔甲的男子, Stella 發現附近一匹白馬上有大量血跡。 接著是一名男子裸身死在一晚四萬美元飯店房間的床上, 雙手綁在床上,一把冰鑽直接刺進腦髓部位。 接著就是網友爆的雷, Mac 從辦公室奔 ...

CSI: Miami in Japan

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2007-04-13T06:16
Am I OP? I felt funny XD -- 歡迎大家參觀 - ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-04-13T05:43
→ tonylin:這篇是空白文嗎...XDD 不過很像是未來會發生的GSR 04/12 12:52 推 lwid:這篇算是GSR前傳嗎...?XDDD 04/12 13:39 是腦內補完的前傳XD → JMfan:要真是這樣的話,那整個timeline全都亂了。是說反正TPTB也不 04/12 14 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2007-04-12T14:21
今天報紙報得很大,不過有些報紙直接把斷肢拍出來實在很糟糕 先在此祝福斷臂的管理員手術能夠成功,鱷魚咬傷恐怕是扯斷的,手術會比切斷更困難了 只是想到邁阿密有滿多集都跟鱷魚有相關 最具有邁阿密特色的案件大概都跟鯊魚咬人,或者屍體希望透過鱷魚滅跡有關吧 想到的就有幾集 本店到邁阿密探案(老何團隊第一次出來)戴可下 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2007-04-12T13:26
※ 引述《catherinefox (中毒啦!!)》之銘言: : 標題: [心得] 今天的CSI(雷) : 時間: Tue Apr 10 04:13:24 2007 : : : : : 今天的重頭戲在704 : 首先小葛穿西裝還真是帥氣andgt;////andlt; : 然後Sara和老葛的戀情溫度逐漸升高 ...