Re: 說不定 其實neo他 - 駭客任務

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2003-11-30T15:42

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※ 引述《nano (該死語蓋)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《alains (我要oh桑的簽名球)》之銘言:
: : 他是人類啊
: : 只是有救世主這個"外掛"
: : 但能掛上救世主外掛的人應該也是億萬分之一吧
: 我覺得所謂ai多多少少也會有人的思考邏輯存在
: 因為她是人類按照自己的樣子創造出來的
: 還有~我覺得
: 原本是一個意識的機器世界
: 久了以後也會進化到有多個意識
: 所以某一個意識就把人與機器人合體 (拉拉)
: 然後就出現所謂救世主啦~
: (之前打的時候有一點昏昏的所以好像漏了幾顆字~>< sorry~><)
I think I better make myself sound more human~ ><
(I don't even understand my own writing~ ><)

what i meant was that I think the Artificial Intelligence that human creates
will have human consciousness to a considerable degree. It will have human
logic, and human reasoning because it is created based on the human mind. That
means, it is possible for it also to follow the same evolution path (of the
mind) as did humans. So, it could be possible that they will have
psychological reactions similar to that of human (choice, love, fate, believe)
maybe that's what the movie was partly trying to portrait, the similarily
of machines to humans. we've always said, (and the bible as well) that humans
are just a step away from God who "created us". If we play god and create
machines like us, then we can say the same thing, probably.

Oh, and i think that a being with one conscious (the Matrix system) will
eventually develop into a being with multiple conscious. Evolution.

So maybe THE ONE is just one of the machine "race" >< developed by the
Oracle... ><

this is based on my assumption that AI is somewhat like humans~ ><

sorry for my first post...
I know it was a mess~ ><


All Comments

Re: Purpose

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2003-11-30T14:22
※ 引述《SBD (活著..)》之銘言: : 在Matrix裡面 程式要有目的才不會被刪除 : 但什麼是Purpose? 因為我覺得對不同的東西而言 : 所謂的Purpose的內容會是大不相同的 : 而對機器人及Matrix什麼才是Purpose呢? : 我覺得應該不盡相同吧... 大概就是把我們現在的物件 ...

Re: 請問飾演波賽芬妮的那位美女

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2003-11-30T14:07
莫妮卡貝魯琪 很有名的~ 只是到好萊烏就變大花瓶 ※ 引述《southparkken (騷趴肯)》之銘言: : 有沒有他的資料啊 : 我覺得他超正,聰明,美麗,身材又好(流口水中~~~~) : 我都找不到有關他的資料,桌布也都是同樣那一張~ : 看看這裡有沒有同好啊!!! : 嘿嘿嘿~ - ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2003-11-30T13:28
有沒有他的資料啊 我覺得他超正,聰明,美麗,身材又好(流口水中~~~~) 我都找不到有關他的資料,桌布也都是同樣那一張~ 看看這裡有沒有同好啊!!! 嘿嘿嘿~ -- Please. Donand#39;t try this at home. - ...

Re: 不知道有沒有人討論過這個?

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2003-11-30T12:29
※ 引述《DonaldDuck (gdfjgdlsjgkldsj)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《saueshen (年輕的老頭 ￾ ￾ )》之銘言: : : 以電腦的科技來說,應該是做得到, : : 但是,有必要嗎? : : 從電腦的角度來想,反正有人類可 ...

Re: 不知道有沒有人討論過這個?

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2003-11-30T12:20
※ 引述《saueshen (年輕的老頭 ￾ ￾ )》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Jmatrix (徵叫我去唸書水球 ~and#34;~)》之銘言: : : 看完第三集後 : : 其實我覺得憑電腦都市的科技 : : 為什麼不向上把布滿天空的烏雲解決掉呢? : : 等到太陽光一進來 : : 不就什麼問題都 ...