Re: 請問crash的bird york-in the deep的歌詞? - 電影配樂

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2005-09-11T22:27

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※ 引述《norm (normal)》之銘言:

Movie: Crash (Score)
Artist: Bird York
Song: In the Deep

In The Deep

thought you had
all the answers
to rest your heart upon.
but something happens
don't see it coming, now
you can't stop yourself.
now you're out there swimming
in the deep.
in the deep.

Life keeps tumbling your heart in circles
till you... let go
till you shed your pride and you climb to heaven
and you throw yourself off.
now you're out there spinning
in the deep.
in the deep.
in the deep.
in the deep.

and now you're out there spinning
and now you're out there spinning
in the deep.
in the deep.
in the deep.

in the deep.

(if you want to be given everything,
give everything up.)


All Comments

請問crash的bird york-in the deep的歌詞?

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2005-09-11T22:15
想請問哪裡可以找到這首歌的歌詞? 這首歌放在片尾真是好 讓一路衝擊的心稍微平靜緩和 也可以反芻咀嚼一下自己的情緒 我想每個人看這部電影時 一定會夾雜非常多的個人意識在裡頭 我真的是一路and#34;衝擊and#34;到最後... andgt;and#34;andlt; 種族歧視是電影中不斷提及的一個主題 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2005-09-11T21:14
請問 有買原聲帶的人 可不可以跟我聯絡一下呢? 有點事情想請教... 謝謝andgt;///andlt; 是原聲帶那張唷!不是配樂的~ - ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2005-09-11T11:57
是不是整張專輯都是重金屬音樂的阿? 有純音樂的配樂嗎? - ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2005-09-11T11:53
請問魔戒三王者再臨中 皮聘所獻唱的那首曲子 有收錄在電影原聲帶中嗎??? 如果有 曲名叫什麼呢??? 謝謝!!!!!!! - ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2005-09-10T22:54
很讚的一片 雖然很貴~~在佳佳買了849 整場演唱會有大半都是放牛班的春天裡的曲目 還有收錄喜馬拉雅...等的電影名曲 有很多段都有尚巴堤莫里耶精采的獨唱 很值得一買~~~ - ...