Re: 韋伯寫《歌劇魅影》續集 後年上演 - 舞台劇

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2008-02-14T23:42

Table of Contents

※ 引述《FrankWW (scared of losing)》之銘言:
: 最新的不負責任謠言
: 《Hairspray 髮膠》戲的導演 Jack O'Brien 將執導這次續集
: 這次的團隊是由 Bob Crowley 組合起來的,Bob Crowley 和 Jack O'Brien
: 去年曾共同合作《Coast of Utopia》
: 至於選角尚未公布,謠言屬意曾參加英國歌唱大賽 X Factor 的 Rhydian Roberts
: 雖然 ALW 歌寫了很多,不過還找不到人幫忙負責寫詞的部分
: 曾跟他合作《The Beautiful Game 美麗遊戲》的 Ben Elton 曾表示"不感興趣"
: ※ 引述《bucklee (alessio)》之銘言:
: : 中國時報  2007.11.25
: : 韋伯寫《歌劇魅影》續集 後年上演






Richard Kay
Why Andrew is in need of a copycat
22:27pm 30th May 2007

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s sequel to The Phantom Of The Opera is one of
theatreland’s most anticipated events.

But, I can reveal, a bizarre mishap means that it is likely to be longer
than expected before it reaches the stage.

Lloyd Webber, 59, was working on the score at his computerised grand piano
when his six-month-old kitten Otto clambered into its frame and managed to
delete everything he had written so far.

The digital Clavinova piano has an inbuilt computer and the ability to play
back thousands of songs from its memory.

But Lloyd Webber was unable to recover his work from the high-tech
instrument after Otto, a rare-breed Turkish Van, had done his worst.

Says the composer: “I was trying to write some new music; Otto got into
the grand piano, jumped onto the computer and destroyed the entire score
for the new Phantom in one fell swoop.”

Turkish Vans — also known as the swimming cats — cost up to £400 and it
had long been Lloyd Webber’s ambition to own one.

So he was delighted when the mischievous Otto joined him, his wife Madeleine
and their children Alastair, 15, William, 13, and Bella, 11, at their
palatial townhouse in Belgravia in January.

Lloyd Webber, who is writing the Phantom sequel with thriller writer
Frederick Forsyth, adds: “I’ve got to write another show soon or I’ll
go mad. The most important thing is the plot, so I’ve been writing it with

The musical — called Phantom In Manhattan — is set in 1901, 20 years
after the original, and is based partly on a novel by Day Of The Jackal
author Forsyth, in which the deformed Erik leaves Paris to seek his fortune
in New York.

Lloyd Webber and Forsyth have met several times in the past few weeks to
discuss the plot, but Otto’s interference may affect their schedule.

Lloyd Webber’s original musical has made £1.7 billion and has been seen
by 80 million people since it opened in 1986 with Michael Crawford and
Sarah Brightman in the lead roles.


All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2008-02-17T22:31
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-02-18T07:25
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2008-02-21T15:26
Jellicle Cats For Jellicle Songs!!
韋伯應該很後悔寫了歌誦貓的音樂劇 XD
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-02-23T17:20
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-02-26T10:36
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-02-29T23:38

NYC [The Wicked][BlueMan][Lion King]

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2008-02-12T21:03
這次在紐約待四天 週五(Wicked),週六(BlueMan),週日(Lion King)晚上各看一場 票大概是在開演前三週在網站上買的 Lion King和Wicked票價比較貴 都要一百出頭 BlueMan大概80多塊 但是Lion King的位子我覺得很不錯 (比起Premium seat要300多塊 ...

Broadway show哪個時段去看cast會比較強?

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-02-12T20:45
※ [本文轉錄自 NewYork 看板] 作者: shockresist (shockresist) 站內: NewYork 標題: [問題] Broadway show哪個時段去看cast會比較強? 時間: Mon Feb 11 11:42:03 2008 小弟在這幾天晚上有幸看了幾場broadway ...

萬世巨星.Little Shop of Horrows.Hairspray

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-02-11T11:17
最近觀戲的心得 1.Jesus Christ Superstat 12月底去看了萬世巨星... 它的噱頭是請1973年的電影男主角回鍋來演耶穌 正在全美巡迴 Ted Neeley ...

08神韻世界大巡演 預計覆蓋65萬觀眾

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-02-10T22:56 08神韻世界大巡演 預計覆蓋65萬觀眾 【大紀元11月28日訊】(大紀元記者李佳報導)12月18日紐約上演的聖誕奇觀(Holiday Wonders)將拉開2008年神韻藝術團全球巡回演出的序幕,超過150位演 ...

神韻聖誕百老匯登臺 創世界一流藝術品牌

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-02-10T22:37
美國神韻藝術團官網 華人演出團體成功立足百老匯!2008年2,3月二度全球巡迴來台 神韻聖誕百老匯登臺 創世界一流藝術品牌 【大紀元12月8日訊】(大紀元記者王珍綜 ...