Robin Sparkles - Let's Go to the Mall! - 歐美

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2006-11-29T20:58

Table of Contents

Let's go to the mall, everybody!

Come on Jessica, come on Tori,
Let's go to the mall, you won't be sorry
Put on your jelly bracelets
And your cool graffiti coat
At the mall, having fun is what it's all aboot

I haven't done my homework yet (That's OK!)
And you know how my parents get (Whatever!)
Let's go to the mall today

There's this boy I like
Met him at the food court
He's got hair like Gretzky
And he does jumps on his skateboard
I hope he asks me out
Takes me to my favorite spot
It'll be just him and me
(But don't forget the robot)

Dad says I'm too young to date (Lame!)
But baby, I don't want to wait (Let's do it!)
That's OK, I'm going to rock your body anyway
I'm going to rock your body 'til Canada Day

Everybody come and play
Throw every last care away
Let's go to the mall today

I went to the mall with a couple of friends
I had a whole week's allowance to spend
I want hoop earrings and a Benetton shirt
We came here to shop and we came here to flirt
I turned around and who should I see
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney
He said, "Young lady, I don't approve."
So I had to get down and bust a crazy move
Hit it Fred, come on
Let's go to the mall

Let's go to the mall, everybody!
Everybody come and play
Throw every last care away
Let's go to the mall today

Everybody loves the mall!
Everybody come and play (Yeah!)
Throw every last care away (I love my hoop earrings!)
Let's go to the mall today

我也是Robin Sparkles的粉絲! >///////////////<

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-12-04T17:53
James avatar
By James
at 2006-12-08T15:24
Let's go to the~~~~~~mall~~~!!!
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2006-12-12T19:09
耶 謝謝你╰( >//////<)>
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2006-12-15T09:09
Robin Rocks!!!! (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2006-12-17T21:16
1我剛才看完 差點沒笑昏 超好笑的
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2006-12-19T00:57
聽快一週 已經打敗督嚕督嚕賭~大大大了XXXDDDD
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-12-20T06:14
感恩 :D Robin Sparkles Rocks!

Studio 1x10

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2006-11-29T18:19
這一集時間跳來跳去,一開始還會抓不到到底現在是進行到哪裡 當星期五的show在進行的時候,慢慢跳回去一整個週間發生的事情 不過每次跳回到過去的那個點都抓的很棒,多看幾次就會發現有趣之處:P 那個VF的女記者回來了,但是一整集都是在被Danny質疑文章的來源可靠性 這裡還扯了一個Aint-it-Cool-Ne ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2006-11-29T15:04
被川普炒魷魚的卡洛琳在微軟找到新飯碗 【2006/11/29】 中廣    曾經在紐約地產大亨川普製作的電視競賽節目「誰是接班人」裡, 擔任要角的卡洛琳柯普奇,被川普炒魷魚之後,在微軟找到了新的飯碗, 未來,她要替微軟物色好的生意點子。(夏明珠報導) 36歲的卡洛琳柯普奇原本是川普得力的助手,在川普集團 ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2006-11-28T18:32
嗚沒有了 想看原文andgt;andlt; 請問fox的電視drama那部比較推啊.我看煩了hbo那種用黃色當好笑的drama和 用對話當刺激的drama了 之前的xfile,bones,dark angel都佷好看.可能我偏愛女主角冷cool的表情吧 還有 nikita.可是除了 fox其他台都不太了解.有 ...

11/7 AXN要播慾望之都第三季

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2006-11-27T14:11
請問一下 第二季還有機會重播嗎? 最近發現這不影集再播第三季 滿好奇第二季短期內有沒有機會重播~ 看過一兩次對暗翻譯的不太習慣 話說第一季還是緯來播的呀atat - ...

Re: 似乎沒什麼人在看3 Lbs

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2006-11-27T13:07
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