S2 E02 "名言"摘錄 - Sheldon - 宅男行不行

By Victoria
at 2010-09-16T01:07
at 2010-09-16T01:07
Table of Contents
但不知道英文怎麼表示我也特別有興趣 :p
"You know how I know we are not in the matrix?"
"If we were, the food would be better."
"No popcorn at the movie.. listen to yourself."
(這句學起來:你自己看你說了什麼蠢話 XD)
"Everybody has a date... even you...Mario, going after princess Peach!"
"You know it's amazing how many super villains have advanced degrees.
Graduate schools should probably do a better job screening those people out."
"I'm smart? I have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as smart."
"I'm listening, amuse me."
不然好多梗可以kuso阿!!!拋磚引石囉 :P
◢///|||\\\◣ 喂!!我說他們已經走了!!!◣\◣◣◣__http://0rz.tw/84Ji8 _
╱ \ ╲╲ / ψfreijaking ★\/ \◣ / ▏ │ │ │ ↖?
|◥◥◥\╲﹨ 誰會躲在那罐頭裡阿!!!◢\◤◤◤◤▏ │ │ │ │
\ \\/▃╬◣ ︱ バカ!おまえはバカだ!! ◥◣\/◢ ▏ │ │ │ │
橙C □ __ ▏﹨ \ \ 口 ◤ │ │ │ │
汁E ▼◤\\ | バカじゃない! 桂だ!! \▼/◣▏ │ ψfreijaking
但不知道英文怎麼表示我也特別有興趣 :p
"You know how I know we are not in the matrix?"
"If we were, the food would be better."
"No popcorn at the movie.. listen to yourself."
(這句學起來:你自己看你說了什麼蠢話 XD)
"Everybody has a date... even you...Mario, going after princess Peach!"
"You know it's amazing how many super villains have advanced degrees.
Graduate schools should probably do a better job screening those people out."
"I'm smart? I have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as smart."
"I'm listening, amuse me."
不然好多梗可以kuso阿!!!拋磚引石囉 :P
◢///|||\\\◣ 喂!!我說他們已經走了!!!◣\◣◣◣__http://0rz.tw/84Ji8 _
╱ \ ╲╲ / ψfreijaking ★\/ \◣ / ▏ │ │ │ ↖?
|◥◥◥\╲﹨ 誰會躲在那罐頭裡阿!!!◢\◤◤◤◤▏ │ │ │ │
\ \\/▃╬◣ ︱ バカ!おまえはバカだ!! ◥◣\/◢ ▏ │ │ │ │
橙C □ __ ▏﹨ \ \ 口 ◤ │ │ │ │
汁E ▼◤\\ | バカじゃない! 桂だ!! \▼/◣▏ │ ψfreijaking
All Comments

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at 2010-09-17T09:01
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喔耶 開版!!

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恭喜阿 終於創板啦啦啦

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