SGA 3x20 First Strike預告 - 星際之門

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2006-10-02T11:39

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SGA 3x20 First Strike

A new ship has arrived in Atlantis from Earth: the Apollo,
commanded by the brusque and take-charge military officer,
Colonel Abe Ellis (possibly a recurring character next season).
Ever since the human-form Replicators (the Asurans) tried to seize Atlantis
("The Return, Part 2"), the Daedalus has been doing reconnaissance
fly-bys over their homeworld. And they've found something.

故事接著 s3e11 The Return, Part 2

Colonel Ellis reports to Dr. Weir, Colonel Sheppard, and Dr. McKay
that the Replicators are building a fleet of ships. Presumably,
the technologically advanced strike force is coming to Atlantis,
to reconquer the city that the artificial lifeforms were forced
by their creators, the Ancients, to leave thousands of years ago ("Progeny").
Either that, or they may come to Earth, of which they now know the location.

故事接著 s3e05 Progeny

But, Ellis boasts, they aren't going to get that far: He has been sent to
command a strategic first strike against them. Because these Replicators
appear to build their ships out of standard materials rather than forming
them out of Replicator cells (as did the Replicators in our home galaxy
["New Order"]), they can be destroyed the old fashioned way.

Apollo艦長將發動奇襲,偵查時發現複製者的船艦和SG1 s8e01 New Order中的複製者

Meanwhile, McKay reports, the Asgard have created a satellite weapons system
that can wipe out an entire planet populated with Replicators. Area 51 is
trying to do the same thing.


But Elizabeth Weir is gravely concerned about the mission. Even if it is a
great success, they will be starting a war -- a war against a very powerful
enemy. And she will have to take drastic measures in order to save the city
of Atlantis.


"First Strike" will be before cameras in late September and early October,
and is expected to premiere on SCI FI Channel in the U.S. in June.bbs


The mid-season cliffhanger premieres tonight,
September 22, at 10 p.m. Eastern/Pacific!



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gateworld 專訪 raith queen 演員

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2006-09-28T16:22
※ 引述《mjhsieh (錯字特攻隊)》之銘言: : 第一部份已貼出,觀看需 quicktime. : 第二部份也貼出了 ...

SG1 10x10 The Quest,Part 1 劇情大綱

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-09-27T10:21
※ 引述《AmosYang ()》之銘言: : 有沒有人覺得村莊裡圖書館員 Osric 的聲音很耳熟? : 很像 Diablo 裡的 Deckard Cain ? : 不過, : 在 Michael Gough (Cain 的配音) 的資料裡 ( ...

gateworld 專訪 raith queen 演員

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2006-09-27T07:54
第一部份已貼出,觀看需 quicktime. - ...

SG1 10x10 The Quest,Part 1 劇情大綱

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-09-27T06:51
有沒有人覺得村莊裡圖書館員 Osric 的聲音很耳熟? 很像 Diablo 裡的 Deckard Cain ? 不過, 在 Michael Gough (Cain 的配音) 的資料裡 ( ) 並沒有列出參與 StarGate 而 ...

SG1 10x10 The Quest,Part 1

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2006-09-24T22:52
SG1終於找出sangraal的所在位址,到達後才發現 原來Baand#39;al已經早他們一步到達,並已經前往找尋 。 沒多久Ori也來到這個星球,並且焚毀掉sangraal 的地圖;失去了地圖,SG1只能靠著村裡的圖書館長Osric 去找尋sangraal。 SG1一開始就遇到扭曲時空所形成的迷宮,稍 ...