Spielberg calls for responsible TV - CSI

David avatar
By David
at 2006-11-22T16:28

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Spielberg calls for responsible TV (By Paul J. Gough )

Nov 21, 2006

NEW YORK -- Steven Spielberg urged TV networks to be mindful of what they
show on the air because of the effect it might have on children.

"Today we are needing to be as responsible as we can possibly be, not just
thinking of our own children but our friends' and neighbors' children,"
Spielberg told an audience Monday at the International Emmys board of
directors meeting here.

Spielberg decried on-air promotions for television shows like "CSI: Crime
Scene Investigation" that showed "blood and people being dissected." He also
said that his favorite TV show of the new season, NBC's "Heroes," showed
someone cut in half in the 9 p.m. hour that caused him to send his younger
children out of the room.

"I'm a parent who is very concerned," he said.

Spielberg said that the TV landscape was much more "homogenized" 20 years
ago, even seven or eight years ago. One of his shows, "ER," wouldn't have
been on the air 20 years ago because of its graphic depictions.

Two of Spielberg's movies, "Schindler's List" and "Saving Private Ryan," have
generated controversy during their television airings with uncut language
and graphic depictions. But Spielberg has also made a famous edit to the DVD
release of "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial," where a government agent wielded
a gun in the original film and then held a walkie-talkie in the DVD.

In a free-ranging hour of interview with former NBC News correspondent
Garrick Utley and questions from the audience, Spielberg said iPod video may
be all the rage but count his films out from tailoring his films to fit the
small screen.

"That's one medium where I have to draw the line," he said. "We'll shoot
for television and the movies and let there be a wide gap" between that and
the small 3-inch screen. He also said that he felt that people are social
animals who will choose to go out to a movie rather than watch a show on

"I don't think movie theaters will ever go away," Speilberg said.

But the producer-director who got his start in TV directing Joan Crawford
for a 1969 episode of Rod Serling's "Night Gallery" isn't lacking for work
on screens of any kind. He's developing a 10- or 11-hour miniseries about
the U.S. war against Japan in the Pacific Theatre during World War II, part
of the 20% of his time that he estimated he worked on TV projects compared
with 80% for films.

He called working on miniseries "the most fun I have" and especially liked
the ability to develop characters. He pointed to HBO's "Band of Brothers,"
which developed characters over hours rather than the eight to 10 minutes
that he said was available in a two-hour feature film.

Another project is "On the Lot," a Mark Burnett-Speilberg TV series that
will choose one of 16 aspiring filmmakers for a development deal with
DreamWorks, Spielberg's studio. It will air on Fox. And of course there's
another film coming in the "Indiana Jones" series, which Spielberg was
relatively mum about.

"There's still life in the series," Spielberg said.

Spielberg also said he was happy with the direction DreamWorks was taking
under Viacom, which bought the company about a year ago for $1.6 billion.
He said DreamWorks chief Stacy Snider is "doing a wonderful job" and said
that he wouldn't have sold the company to Viacom if it wasn't the right
thing for the company and its investors.

"Paramount treats us as we like to see ourselves, as an independent film
company," Spielberg said.


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CSI:MIAMI 508 有雷

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2006-11-22T01:33
※ 引述《circler (circler)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《b1ueish (藍色)》之銘言: : : 這一集的故事跟現實生活的故事有關 : : 現實:某個殺人狂假扮成攝影師,拍了一堆女孩子的照片準備下手這樣 : : 裡面有真的La Rue的姐姐 : : 劇中:一樣的劇情,不過裡面的 ...

CSI:MIAMI 508 有雷

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2006-11-22T01:19
※ 引述《b1ueish (藍色)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《circler (circler)》之銘言: : : 我英文不太好 所以不太確定 : : 可是這篇文章應該是在說飾演Nat的演員在現實生活中真的是受害者的姐姐吧 : : 而且她妹是不是還有在這集客串一個記者的角色啊? : : 那麼多英文 看的我有點昏 ...

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Irma avatar
By Irma
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看對岸的討論區 有在討論死的最冤的人 有人說NY第二季某集 有個海軍的被他救了的妹妹殺死 想請問一下集數是? thanks in advance -- Guess What! I got a fever! And the onl ...

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Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2006-11-22T00:21
※ 引述《b1ueish (藍色)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《hunnan (猴子嘰嘰叫)》之銘言: : : 片尾有說 今天的故事是根據真實事件改編的 : : 還有很多人到現在都沒有找到 : : 唉......追逐明星夢還是要小心啊!!!!! : http://www.csifiles.com/news/14 ...

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By Lucy
at 2006-11-21T21:27
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