Star Trek 2 拍攝現場影片 - 星際爭霸戰

By Ivy
at 2012-02-28T23:56
at 2012-02-28T23:56
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※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1FJFEL9A ]
作者: Clementtang (劍客唐唐‧光明) 看板: movie
標題: [情報] Star Trek 2 拍攝現場影片
時間: Tue Feb 28 23:32:34 2012
First footage from the Star Trek 2 set shows off Spock brawling
You've seen the still photos — now watch Spock and his not-so-elementary
antagonist trade blows in this behind-the-scenes footage. Spoilers on,
When the photos of this battle first hit the web, there was speculation out the
wazoo as to which villain Sherlock star (and possible Doctor Who guest villain)
Benedict Cumberbatch would be playing. Whoever he is, he can certainly take his
lumps. Maybe he's one of those sexy, streamlined, ridgeless, and rebooted
Klingons, but that would make the internet spontaneously combust.
總之就是 Spock 跟應該是惡役的 BC 在對打 (?) 的畫面。
最近演出 BBC 影集的 Sherlock 的 Benedict Cumberbatch 非常受女性歡迎,
目前也有呼聲說將在 BBC 科幻影集 Doctor Who 客串。
"It's very simple: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes
lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates
lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock and,
as it always has, rock crushes scissors."
- Sheldon Cooper @ TBBT
作者: Clementtang (劍客唐唐‧光明) 看板: movie
標題: [情報] Star Trek 2 拍攝現場影片
時間: Tue Feb 28 23:32:34 2012
First footage from the Star Trek 2 set shows off Spock brawling
You've seen the still photos — now watch Spock and his not-so-elementary
antagonist trade blows in this behind-the-scenes footage. Spoilers on,
When the photos of this battle first hit the web, there was speculation out the
wazoo as to which villain Sherlock star (and possible Doctor Who guest villain)
Benedict Cumberbatch would be playing. Whoever he is, he can certainly take his
lumps. Maybe he's one of those sexy, streamlined, ridgeless, and rebooted
Klingons, but that would make the internet spontaneously combust.
總之就是 Spock 跟應該是惡役的 BC 在對打 (?) 的畫面。
最近演出 BBC 影集的 Sherlock 的 Benedict Cumberbatch 非常受女性歡迎,
目前也有呼聲說將在 BBC 科幻影集 Doctor Who 客串。
"It's very simple: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes
lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates
lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock and,
as it always has, rock crushes scissors."
- Sheldon Cooper @ TBBT
All Comments

By Yuri
at 2012-03-03T20:17
at 2012-03-03T20:17

By Anthony
at 2012-03-08T06:08
at 2012-03-08T06:08

By Hardy
at 2012-03-10T09:39
at 2012-03-10T09:39

By Eden
at 2012-03-15T06:51
at 2012-03-15T06:51

By Agnes
at 2012-03-18T13:59
at 2012-03-18T13:59

By Bennie
at 2012-03-22T17:53
at 2012-03-22T17:53

By Jack
at 2012-03-27T13:53
at 2012-03-27T13:53

By Tristan Cohan
at 2012-04-01T01:09
at 2012-04-01T01:09

By Cara
at 2012-04-02T19:58
at 2012-04-02T19:58

By Emily
at 2012-04-03T13:12
at 2012-04-03T13:12

By Ingrid
at 2012-04-04T08:40
at 2012-04-04T08:40

By Jack
at 2012-04-06T14:30
at 2012-04-06T14:30

By Vanessa
at 2012-04-10T16:06
at 2012-04-10T16:06

By Regina
at 2012-04-12T15:53
at 2012-04-12T15:53
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