Star Trek 2 拍攝現場影片 - 星際爭霸戰

By Rae
at 2012-05-15T20:10
at 2012-05-15T20:10
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※ 引述《Clementtang (劍客唐唐‧光明)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1FJFEL9A ]
: 作者: Clementtang (劍客唐唐‧光明) 看板: movie
: 標題: [情報] Star Trek 2 拍攝現場影片
: 時間: Tue Feb 28 23:32:34 2012
: iO9
: First footage from the Star Trek 2 set shows off Spock brawling
: You've seen the still photos — now watch Spock and his not-so-elementary
: antagonist trade blows in this behind-the-scenes footage. Spoilers on,
: obviously.
: When the photos of this battle first hit the web, there was speculation out the
: wazoo as to which villain Sherlock star (and possible Doctor Who guest villain)
: Benedict Cumberbatch would be playing. Whoever he is, he can certainly take his
: lumps. Maybe he's one of those sexy, streamlined, ridgeless, and rebooted
: Klingons, but that would make the internet spontaneously combust.
: 總之就是 Spock 跟應該是惡役的 BC 在對打 (?) 的畫面。
: 最近演出 BBC 影集的 Sherlock 的 Benedict Cumberbatch 非常受女性歡迎,
: 目前也有呼聲說將在 BBC 科幻影集 Doctor Who 客串。
這算致敬嗎,重開機第二集也是Khan XDDD
: ※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1FJFEL9A ]
: 作者: Clementtang (劍客唐唐‧光明) 看板: movie
: 標題: [情報] Star Trek 2 拍攝現場影片
: 時間: Tue Feb 28 23:32:34 2012
: iO9
: First footage from the Star Trek 2 set shows off Spock brawling
: You've seen the still photos — now watch Spock and his not-so-elementary
: antagonist trade blows in this behind-the-scenes footage. Spoilers on,
: obviously.
: When the photos of this battle first hit the web, there was speculation out the
: wazoo as to which villain Sherlock star (and possible Doctor Who guest villain)
: Benedict Cumberbatch would be playing. Whoever he is, he can certainly take his
: lumps. Maybe he's one of those sexy, streamlined, ridgeless, and rebooted
: Klingons, but that would make the internet spontaneously combust.
: 總之就是 Spock 跟應該是惡役的 BC 在對打 (?) 的畫面。
: 最近演出 BBC 影集的 Sherlock 的 Benedict Cumberbatch 非常受女性歡迎,
: 目前也有呼聲說將在 BBC 科幻影集 Doctor Who 客串。
這算致敬嗎,重開機第二集也是Khan XDDD
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