Star Wars:原力覺醒在首映後獲得正面評價 - 星際大戰

By Xanthe
at 2015-12-15T21:46
at 2015-12-15T21:46
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※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1MS1be0r ]
作者: sx4152 (呵呵) 看板: movie
標題: [新聞] Star Wars:原力覺醒在首映後獲得正面評價
時間: Tue Dec 15 21:45:08 2015
新聞網址: (CNN報導)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens' gets positive early reactions
(CNN)There are now about 1,000 people on the planet who have seen "Star Wars:
The Force Awakens."
The world premiere of the highly anticipated film took place on Monday
afternoon in Los Angeles, where a half-mile section of Hollywood Boulevard
was closed to traffic for the event.
Though all participants were asked not to reveal any plot points through
social media, their immediate spoiler-free reactions seem overwhelmingly
Fred Savage @thefredsavage
Amazing!Amazing!Amazing! In awe. It's all you want it to
be.Old/new/funny/heartbreaking.Daisy Ridley is astonishing!
Rebecca Keegan @ThatRebecca
Story, characters, design, humor -- #StarWars fans, this is the movie you're
looking for.
Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt
JJ did it. #StarWarsForceAwakens
作者: sx4152 (呵呵) 看板: movie
標題: [新聞] Star Wars:原力覺醒在首映後獲得正面評價
時間: Tue Dec 15 21:45:08 2015
新聞網址: (CNN報導)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens' gets positive early reactions
(CNN)There are now about 1,000 people on the planet who have seen "Star Wars:
The Force Awakens."
The world premiere of the highly anticipated film took place on Monday
afternoon in Los Angeles, where a half-mile section of Hollywood Boulevard
was closed to traffic for the event.
Though all participants were asked not to reveal any plot points through
social media, their immediate spoiler-free reactions seem overwhelmingly
Fred Savage @thefredsavage
Amazing!Amazing!Amazing! In awe. It's all you want it to
be.Old/new/funny/heartbreaking.Daisy Ridley is astonishing!
Rebecca Keegan @ThatRebecca
Story, characters, design, humor -- #StarWars fans, this is the movie you're
looking for.
Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt
JJ did it. #StarWarsForceAwakens
All Comments

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