Stephen King: '24': So Good It's Scary - 歐美

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2007-01-07T01:01

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Stephen King出來拍胸保證新的一季好到驚人


Most viewers of 24 will want to know one thing above all others: Is the
upcoming season of Fox's groundbreaking experiment in serial TV (father of
Lost, grandpappy of Heroes and Jericho) as good as last year? Let me put it
to you this way: There are more thrills and suspense in the first four hours
than most series can pack into a single season. Or an entire run of show, for
that matter. I got those four episodes from EW Central Command and planned to
dole them out over the course of maybe a week. Instead I ended up watching
all of them that same night. Day 6 (at least so far) is like a book you can't
put down...even though there are times when you may want to.

It's the hunger, hunger for alternative
and the refusal to accept a life of unhappiness.

Sarah Pierce, Little Children

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-01-11T22:58
Great! I wanna try it.

Celebrity Big Brother-UK

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2007-01-06T20:55
猶豫了很久應該要po實境秀版還是po這 好像Big Brother在美國比較不紅.但是歐洲各國都有以Big Brother維生的觀眾XD 夏天是Big Brother,冬天是Celebrity Big Brother ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁廢話很多的分隔線▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 今年參加的其中 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2007-01-06T16:00
請問其中一集 Elizabeth對他的子民說過一段話... 以後你門或許會碰到比我更英明的領導者... 但沒有人會比我更愛你們... 請問原文的台詞完整版有人知道嗎? and 公視的翻譯完整版...謝謝... - ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2007-01-06T00:53
我最近在看阿部寬演的and#34;熟男不結婚and#34;(實在太好笑了XDD) 突然發現他和 Hugh Laurie 有某種程度的相似感… 我朋友也說有像 再加上這兩個人的角色都屬於比較正經型的搞笑 才會讓我把他們兩人聯想在一塊兒 XD -- Oscar ...

有人喜歡看top chef嗎??》--有雷

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2007-01-05T16:57
說實話 這種節目為了營造氣氛緊張 和故意讓影迷猜不透的手段 其實做假成分很大 看這種東西不用太認真 ※ 引述《bela (一個人...)》之銘言: : 其實, 有點訝異 Betty 昨天被淘汰, : 她在 Season 前段表現還不錯, : 贏過幾次 elimination challenge, : Il ...

有人喜歡看top chef嗎??》--有雷

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2007-01-05T16:24
其實, 有點訝異 Betty 昨天被淘汰, 她在 Season 前段表現還不錯, 贏過幾次 elimination challenge, Ilan 也常受評審讚賞的, 反而是 Marcel 的表現就沒有那麼出色, 我覺得啦, 昨天 Marcel 該被淘汰的 但, 他若一離開, 這節目就減少衝突性, 大概就沒有 ...