Studio 60 1x11 - 歐美

By Genevieve
at 2006-12-06T17:36
at 2006-12-06T17:36
Table of Contents
※ 引述《b1ueish (藍色)》之銘言:
: Merry Christmas~~!!
: 這一集超級有氣氛的啦,而且主戲擺在Matt和Danny兩人各自的感情上面
: 那一親
: 那一告白
: 一整個就是佳節氣氛(好閃好閃)
: Jorden這集不講話,一直吃(孕婦食慾這麼強)
: Jack這集看起來超級悶的
: 其他的人都出來一下下,"I love Lucy" Tom & Simon是認真還是開玩笑的??
: Cal這麼這幾集都在扮演搞笑角色?
: 不過真的,People always laugh when something's broke.
我也很喜歡這一集的The Christmas show (由其是Matt和Danny這集的對話和互動)
TWW的In Excelsis Deo 和 Noel和Holy Night都是我很愛的集數..
不過還是很愛那段告白配上BW精湛的演技^^ (哦!暈了!!)
"I've been married twice before and I'm a recovering cocaine addict
and I know that's no woman's dream of a man or of a father,
nonetheless I believe I'm falling in love with you.
If you want to run, I understand but you better get a good head start
because I'm coming for you, Jordan."
有點吃醋...啊..不公平! (哭著跑走>_<......)
: Merry Christmas~~!!
: 這一集超級有氣氛的啦,而且主戲擺在Matt和Danny兩人各自的感情上面
: 那一親
: 那一告白
: 一整個就是佳節氣氛(好閃好閃)
: Jorden這集不講話,一直吃(孕婦食慾這麼強)
: Jack這集看起來超級悶的
: 其他的人都出來一下下,"I love Lucy" Tom & Simon是認真還是開玩笑的??
: Cal這麼這幾集都在扮演搞笑角色?
: 不過真的,People always laugh when something's broke.
我也很喜歡這一集的The Christmas show (由其是Matt和Danny這集的對話和互動)
TWW的In Excelsis Deo 和 Noel和Holy Night都是我很愛的集數..
不過還是很愛那段告白配上BW精湛的演技^^ (哦!暈了!!)
"I've been married twice before and I'm a recovering cocaine addict
and I know that's no woman's dream of a man or of a father,
nonetheless I believe I'm falling in love with you.
If you want to run, I understand but you better get a good head start
because I'm coming for you, Jordan."
有點吃醋...啊..不公平! (哭著跑走>_<......)
All Comments

By Daph Bay
at 2006-12-10T02:30
at 2006-12-10T02:30

By Necoo
at 2006-12-12T23:14
at 2006-12-12T23:14

By Audriana
at 2006-12-17T06:33
at 2006-12-17T06:33

By Freda
at 2006-12-22T04:18
at 2006-12-22T04:18

By Anthony
at 2006-12-23T09:02
at 2006-12-23T09:02

By Ida
at 2006-12-24T17:35
at 2006-12-24T17:35
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