Studio 60 要被 cancel 了嗎? - 歐美

By Rachel
at 2007-02-14T02:51
at 2007-02-14T02:51
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昨晚在看 Studio 60 時, 有個新戲的廣告說
The_Black_Donnellys premiere Monday, March 5
剛上 NBC 查了一下, 時段是 10:00 EST
那不就是 Studio 60 的時段?
是怎樣了? Studio 60 要被 cancel 了,
還是要調時段? 有人知道嗎?
By the way, 昨天那集有種似曾相識的感覺,
令人聯想到 In the Shadow of Two Gunmen: Part 1 & 2,
果然是 Schlamme 所導的作品.
本來有點期待會提到 Matt & Danny 如何開始的,
但重點只在 Matt & Harriet, 點綴 Luke & Simon.
有點猜到 Tim Batale 就是 Matt 自己,
不過這集還是 Xmas break 復播後, 最喜歡的一集.
ps. 有人在 IMDB Studio 的討論版 post the following,
Matt's hallucinated friend "Tim Batale" is an anagram for "Matt Albie"
Isn't this interesting? :)
The_Black_Donnellys premiere Monday, March 5
剛上 NBC 查了一下, 時段是 10:00 EST
那不就是 Studio 60 的時段?
是怎樣了? Studio 60 要被 cancel 了,
還是要調時段? 有人知道嗎?
By the way, 昨天那集有種似曾相識的感覺,
令人聯想到 In the Shadow of Two Gunmen: Part 1 & 2,
果然是 Schlamme 所導的作品.
本來有點期待會提到 Matt & Danny 如何開始的,
但重點只在 Matt & Harriet, 點綴 Luke & Simon.
有點猜到 Tim Batale 就是 Matt 自己,
不過這集還是 Xmas break 復播後, 最喜歡的一集.
ps. 有人在 IMDB Studio 的討論版 post the following,
Matt's hallucinated friend "Tim Batale" is an anagram for "Matt Albie"
Isn't this interesting? :)
All Comments

By Una
at 2007-02-18T18:33
at 2007-02-18T18:33

By Donna
at 2007-02-21T22:19
at 2007-02-21T22:19

By Callum
at 2007-02-24T15:54
at 2007-02-24T15:54

By Jacob
at 2007-02-25T13:14
at 2007-02-25T13:14

By Liam
at 2007-03-01T23:59
at 2007-03-01T23:59
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