TDKR票房超過十億 - Nolan

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2012-09-03T03:06

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華納宣佈TDKR票房 北美本土4億3120萬 海外5億7400萬 總合超過十億了


Box Office Milestone: 'Dark Knight Rises' Crosses $1 Billion Worldwide

From Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures, the superhero tentpole has now
grossed $431.2 million domestically and an estimated $574 million
internationally for a total $1.005 billion through Sunday.

That's slightly ahead of The Dark Knight, which topped out at $1.0003 billion
worldwide in 2008.

The big difference -- Dark Knight Rises has done more business overseas, and
less domestically, than Dark Knight, which grossed $533 million in North
America and $469.7 million internationally.

Many believe that Dark Knight Rises has left some money on the table in the
U.S. because of the Aurora theater shootings during a midnight screening of
the film on July 20.

Nevertheless, the movie is enormously successful and becomes only the 11th
film in history to reach $1 billion.

Tags: Nolan

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TDKR 黑暗騎士:黎明昇起 (有雷)

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-09-03T00:40
這次的心得一如往常的難寫,完全不知道該從哪裡開頭,先說訂票經過好了,七月開 賣的美麗華IMAX,正如大家所想,非常之難訂,訂票的那時還在外面旅行,想要找個有網 路的地方好好坐下來,好好跟他奮戰幾小時根本不可能,回到家之後是已經過了開賣時間 的三個小時,抱著不可能會訂票成功的心態連上電影院網站,出乎意料的發現我 ...

暫定9/8(六) IMAX下午場

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-09-01T17:51
HI~ 大家好  之前有調查過的 黎明昇起IMAX板聚 目前日期暫定為9/8(六) 下午的場次 (沒意外的話 應該是16:20那場) 目前是大概這樣一個狀況~ 歡迎有興趣(或有問題)的人可以討論意見 以讓我們做為參考囉 :D - ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2012-08-31T12:06
有播開戰時刻! 難得能在電視上看到 09-06 22:00~00:20 蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins 09-07 12:00~14:30 蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins 09-14 22:00~00:30 蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins 09-15 13:40~ ...

從黎明再起 到 鋼鐵英雄

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-08-29T14:31
最近這裡變得好冷清... 關於很多人都說,黎明升起拍得不好,比不上黑暗騎士,我部份同意和了解。 [ 開戰時刻 ]上映時,因為它開創了新蝙蝠俠的樣貌,打破了舊有漫畫電影的格局, 所以讓人驚豔,一度讓人懷疑之後如何能超越它。 而[ 黑暗騎士 ]辦到了,創造一個讓主角備受折磨的反派,魅力更勝主角, 甚至在現 ...

08/24~08/26 TDKR 北美第5 海外第2

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2012-08-29T12:54
boxofficemojo公布了本週末的票房數字~ no 片名 本週末票房 漲跌 戲院數 累計 成本(百萬) 1. 浴血任務2 $13,423,57 ...