Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles - 科幻

By Audriana
at 2008-01-24T00:10
at 2008-01-24T00:10
Table of Contents
已經lag了 orz
Sarah Conner Chronicles正式播出啦,已經播到第三集了
The 4400 ~ A Place In Time ~ [Amanda Abizaid]
So long ago, another life, I can feel your heartbeat.
It's not a dream, remember us. I can see it in your eyes.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time beyond the sun.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time to call our own.
Sarah Conner Chronicles正式播出啦,已經播到第三集了
The 4400 ~ A Place In Time ~ [Amanda Abizaid]
So long ago, another life, I can feel your heartbeat.
It's not a dream, remember us. I can see it in your eyes.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time beyond the sun.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time to call our own.
All Comments

By Zenobia
at 2008-01-26T07:52
at 2008-01-26T07:52

By Yuri
at 2008-01-31T04:48
at 2008-01-31T04:48

By Rosalind
at 2008-02-03T10:23
at 2008-02-03T10:23

By Rachel
at 2008-02-07T14:52
at 2008-02-07T14:52

By Isabella
at 2008-02-08T08:49
at 2008-02-08T08:49

By Kumar
at 2008-02-10T04:13
at 2008-02-10T04:13
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