They cut the most important scene ever - 追愛總動員

By Vanessa
at 2014-04-30T14:22
at 2014-04-30T14:22
Table of Contents
Hannigan (Lily) 最近在訪談中說
“Honestly, if you saw [that] cut, it would be even more heart-wrenching than
what the finale was...They were like, ‘No. It’s just too gut-wrenching.’
And I was like, ‘That’s what I want. I want my heart ripped out and
slammed on the floor and, like, stomped on!"
Lily說: 老實說你如果看到那一幕, 你會覺得心整個被絞碎
They(編劇) 卻說, 喔我們要砍這段, 因為太悲了.
可是, 我就是要這樣啊, 我想要心被掏出來, 狠狠砸在地上然後拼命踩!
“[the missing moment] would have been better for the audience, so that then
they can process, ‘Oh, [Ted] mourned. He got closure’ — and then they’d
be happy that [he and Robin] got together. Rather than be like, ‘Oh, wait.
She died? What? They’re together, huh?’ And credits. That’s what I think
was too fast.”
Lily繼續說:這段消失的一幕對觀眾比較好, 他們可以認為, oh Ted 在這段感情
有了一個結果 (很心碎的結果), 這樣或許對T&R重回一起會比較好接受.
而不是這樣 - 喔, 等一下, 媽媽死了? 啥!? T&R又再一起了!? 蝦????
據說拉, Ted在那葬禮那一幕整個哭到不能自己
希望DVD有, 但我可能要準備一箱衛生紙...
Hannigan (Lily) 最近在訪談中說
“Honestly, if you saw [that] cut, it would be even more heart-wrenching than
what the finale was...They were like, ‘No. It’s just too gut-wrenching.’
And I was like, ‘That’s what I want. I want my heart ripped out and
slammed on the floor and, like, stomped on!"
Lily說: 老實說你如果看到那一幕, 你會覺得心整個被絞碎
They(編劇) 卻說, 喔我們要砍這段, 因為太悲了.
可是, 我就是要這樣啊, 我想要心被掏出來, 狠狠砸在地上然後拼命踩!
“[the missing moment] would have been better for the audience, so that then
they can process, ‘Oh, [Ted] mourned. He got closure’ — and then they’d
be happy that [he and Robin] got together. Rather than be like, ‘Oh, wait.
She died? What? They’re together, huh?’ And credits. That’s what I think
was too fast.”
Lily繼續說:這段消失的一幕對觀眾比較好, 他們可以認為, oh Ted 在這段感情
有了一個結果 (很心碎的結果), 這樣或許對T&R重回一起會比較好接受.
而不是這樣 - 喔, 等一下, 媽媽死了? 啥!? T&R又再一起了!? 蝦????
據說拉, Ted在那葬禮那一幕整個哭到不能自己
希望DVD有, 但我可能要準備一箱衛生紙...
All Comments

By Elizabeth
at 2014-05-03T20:25
at 2014-05-03T20:25

By Rosalind
at 2014-05-07T02:29
at 2014-05-07T02:29

By Xanthe
at 2014-05-10T08:32
at 2014-05-10T08:32

By Delia
at 2014-05-13T14:35
at 2014-05-13T14:35

By Elvira
at 2014-05-16T20:39
at 2014-05-16T20:39

By Victoria
at 2014-05-20T02:42
at 2014-05-20T02:42

By Sierra Rose
at 2014-05-23T08:45
at 2014-05-23T08:45

By Franklin
at 2014-05-26T14:49
at 2014-05-26T14:49

By Emily
at 2014-05-29T20:52
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