Torchwood (2x02, 雷) - 歐美

By Zora
at 2008-01-24T23:57
at 2008-01-24T23:57
Table of Contents
這集算難得的中規中矩, 因為歹誌不算 Torchwood 搞大條的, 而
某個外星勢力在入侵前派了一些滲透者, 這些滲透者不知道自己
不是人類, 有的還發展出人類情感, 他們體內的外星機制隨時在
蒐集資料, 一旦資料完整後外星機制啟動, 原本意識覺醒, 然後
題材有趣但感覺上前面花了很大段時間在偵訊, 到了蠻後面劇情
才開始緊湊起來, 有一點不是很平衡
Jack 一開始時強硬得有點奇怪
The Cylons were created...
好吧, 實在忍不住要打上面那段 XD
Ianto: It's all over.
Owen : Let's all have sex.
Ianto: And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse.
Tosh : 囧
下集 Tosh 好像又有不少戲份囉 (大心)
People assume that time is a strict progression Ⅱ vworp~!
of cause to effect. But actually, from a non- ▅█▅ vworp~!
linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like 田田▌
a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey... ■■▌
stuff. ■■▌
_ ■■ _
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