Twitter大混戰XD (本家&LA) - 重返犯罪現場

By Elvira
at 2011-11-11T23:45
at 2011-11-11T23:45
Table of Contents
※ 引述《luckyc (西西)》之銘言:
: 自從禮拜二Michael Weatherly開了推之後,twitter的世界又更歡樂了起來XD
: 然後,不知道為什麼演變到今天,變成NCIS&NCIS:LA的搶女人大作戰(誤)
: 首先,是MW引起的XDDD
: #DanielaRuah Daniela Ruah
: Option2: @PauleyP Ziva & Kensi eat popcorn & watch
: @ericcolsen & @M_Weatherly wrestle in jell-O
: 目前就演到這裡,會不會未完待續,就請大家自己來追他們的推特了 (毆)
: 真的好歡樂啊!
M_Weatherly Michael Weatherly
Uh oh. What if Ziva finds my twitter love for Kensi? What if Gibbs sees me
tweeting. Where are McGee and Abby? (this feels soooo real...)
M_Weatherly Michael Weatherly
@ericcolsen @danielaruah I need to confer with my team regarding damaged, @M_Weatherly
M_Weatherly Michael Weatherly
@DanielaRuah @ericcolsen @PauleyP Now, this Jell-O wrestling has my
attention. I am in, only if Bill Murray is the referee.
M_Weatherly Michael Weatherly
Before bed I want to say THANK YOU ALL for making twitter so easy.I'm not
blowing smoke. Now you can really clobber me for being earnest...
: 自從禮拜二Michael Weatherly開了推之後,twitter的世界又更歡樂了起來XD
: 然後,不知道為什麼演變到今天,變成NCIS&NCIS:LA的搶女人大作戰(誤)
: 首先,是MW引起的XDDD
: #DanielaRuah Daniela Ruah
: Option2: @PauleyP Ziva & Kensi eat popcorn & watch
: @ericcolsen & @M_Weatherly wrestle in jell-O
: 目前就演到這裡,會不會未完待續,就請大家自己來追他們的推特了 (毆)
: 真的好歡樂啊!
M_Weatherly Michael Weatherly
Uh oh. What if Ziva finds my twitter love for Kensi? What if Gibbs sees me
tweeting. Where are McGee and Abby? (this feels soooo real...)
M_Weatherly Michael Weatherly
@ericcolsen @danielaruah I need to confer with my team regarding damaged, @M_Weatherly
M_Weatherly Michael Weatherly
@DanielaRuah @ericcolsen @PauleyP Now, this Jell-O wrestling has my
attention. I am in, only if Bill Murray is the referee.
M_Weatherly Michael Weatherly
Before bed I want to say THANK YOU ALL for making twitter so easy.I'm not
blowing smoke. Now you can really clobber me for being earnest...
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