USA Today top 10 memorable performances - 美國偶像

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-05-23T17:23

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USA Today 選出的本季最令人印象深刻的表演Top10

10. Casey Abrams, I Put a Spell on You

Abrams competed in the semifinals with a song choice so out of left field, a
performance so wacky, that it made him an instant favorite. But the performance
also held the seeds of his downfall: The grimacing and growling weren't just
part of the act for a song made famous by Screamin' Jay Hawkins, who used to
come on stage in a coffin. Turned out, Abrams would sing like that every week.

9. Haley Reinhart and Casey Abrams, Moanin'

Abrams and Reinhart may never have gotten romantically involved, as was rumored
for weeks, but this Bobby Timmons cover, sung on results night, showed that
they sure had chemistry.

8. Pia Toscano, All By Myself

A big diva ballad in the old-fashioned Idol tradition. Unfortunately for
Toscano, the Idol audience has moved on from those kinds of performances. And
as she proved in the following weeks, she really couldn't do anything else. Or
at least didn't want to until it was too late.

7. Scotty McCreery, You've Got a Friend

This Carole King number was one of the first signs that McCreery could sing
more than midtempo country numbers. He downplayed his twang, changed up the
arrangement and proved that he was willing to put in the work needed to improve

6. Lauren Alaina, Candle in the Wind

The judges praised Alaina so effusively early in the season that what was
actually a series of remarkably consistent performances sometimes seemed like
coasting. But when she sang Elton John’s song about Marilyn Monroe, she
sounded vulnerable even as her voice came into its own.

5. Haley Reinhart, House of the Rising Sun

Reinhart looked like she was on the ropes after the judges ripped on her for
covering Lady Gaga's then-unknown You and I. But she came back with this folk
song, starting it a cappella a la Siobhan Magnus and finishing strong enough to
stick around for two more weeks.

4. Jacob Lusk, A House Is Not a Home

Every performance was a high-wire act for the gospel-based singer. Some weeks
he was breathtaking, other weeks he fell hard. During the semifinals, he gave
this Burt Bacharach/Hal David song a nuanced, subtle reading. It was like
watching a tightrope walker work without a net or a balance bar.

3. James Durbin, You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’

Durbin served up more surprises than any other contestant this season: a drum
corps, a flaming piano, heavy-metal guitarist Zakk Wylde. But was anything more
shocking than hearing him bring Judas Priest to a show better known for its
Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston covers?

2. Haley Reinhart, Bennie and the Jets

This Elton John cover marked a turning point for Reinhart, who had spent two of
the first three weeks of the finals in the bottom three. A perfect vehicle for
her voice, Bennie let her swoop and slide and growl to her heart’s content.
She sang it even better as she exited last week.

1. Scotty McCreery, Your Man

This wasn’t a full-blown performance, simply an audition with a reprise during
Hollywood Week. But the North Carolina teen did more to galvanize his fan base
and define his image with just four words — “Baby, lock them doors ...” —
than any other contestant did with entire songs.

冠軍是Scotty在audition唱的Baby, lock them doors XDDD
USA Today選的是Memorable,不是The Best,


All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-05-27T22:58
合理+1 班尼歌真的很有自己的味道
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-05-31T05:25
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-06-05T04:10
Bennie and the Jets是我最喜歡的Haley表演!
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-06-05T15:12
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-06-09T04:15
推第二名~ 愛死Haley的Bennie and the Jets!唱的很有
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-06-11T05:03
味道!! 雖然比不上Adele但是我覺得RIHD也很有Haley風

The Moment!

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-05-22T11:16
(原文吃光光) 以下是我認為的十大 Moment 01.Kelly Clarkson - Stuff Like That There 02.Fantasia - Summertime http:// ...

The Moment!

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-05-22T08:29
愛看 AI 的都知道所謂的 The Moment, 就是那個第二天大家都在討論的轟動表演啦! 今年好像就缺乏這種 The Moment, 很多表演都是還不錯但是沒到摸門特的程度。 部落客 Lyndsey Parker 選了她的 AI 史上十大 moment: ...

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By Bethany
at 2011-05-20T21:22
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Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-05-20T08:27
9500萬票湧入,比去年多了1千5百萬票左右 四強(是的,有詹帥!!!!) 到了Bad Robot看了超八的片段!! 模仿Randy那段好有趣XD 三強各自回到自己的家鄉受到熱烈的歡迎 Haley回家時似乎是下雨了,不過大雨無法澆熄大家的熱情!! Il Volo 出來唱了 O Sole Mio ( ...

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Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-05-20T01:37
回自己很怪 但要推很長又很怪! 今天聽完以後 我覺得我要倒戈了 從頭到尾我都不太喜歡Scotty 但今天聽完  我竟然記得他唱歌的感覺 (依然不記得他唱什麼 但至少覺得沒有聽完下一秒就忘的感覺) 還有就是 最後一個round我有一點被感動到 一些轉折處的處理都很細心 Haley 身為A ...