Whedon, Dushku welcomed to the Dollhouse - 歐美

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2007-11-04T02:50

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Praise the heavens, Joss Whedon is returning to television. The creator of cult
favorite shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and Angel has signed a new
deal with Fox for a new action-drama series, reports TVWeek.com.

Titled Dollhouse, the show will star former Buffy player Eliza Dushku as a
secret agent named Echo. However, she won't be simply flashing a badge and
kicking criminals in the face. Each of the agents in Echo's group can have
abilities and personalities uploaded into themselves for specific assignments;
when they complete the assignment, the memories are wiped from their minds.
Dushku's character eventually begins to figure out what is transpiring and
realizes that she is being used.

"[Dollhouse] deals with our darkest impulses and our best ones," Whedon said.
"It deals with all the things I like to deal with--strength, weakness, power,
and corruption."

Dollhouse has been given a seven-episode commitment with Fox, and is expected
to premiere sometime next year. The idea apparently came to Whedon over a
recent lunch meeting with Dushku.

As for the tone of the show, Whedon thinks that Buffy fans will be pleased.
"If [Buffy fans] could only see what's in my head right now... They should
be [excited]," Whedon told TVWeek.

This marks Whedon's first return to running a television show since Buffy
spinoff Angel went off the air in 2004. This also ends Whedon's standoff with
Fox, which came about after the network canceled Firefly after only 11
episodes (which were shown out of order).

"It's a brand new day over [at Fox]," said Whedon. "It's a completely new
bunch of people and they seem really intelligent and supportive."

Whedon is also working on Ripper, another Buffy spinoff, as well as taking
the occasional guest directing spot on The Office.

YA YA ! Whedon is back, so is Eliza

Whedon再退出wonder woman電影版之後終於又回到電視圈(話說這部電影已經難產到
一個很奇怪的階段了.可能連閃電挾跟綠燈俠都拍好還是不會看到wonder woman電影版吧)


首映應該是在明年.先跟浮屍簽7集約.不過這個決定很奇怪啦,想當年的Firefly 11集就被
腰斬,還沒照順序播(跟The Inside的命運差不多)不知道Whedon是幹麻想不開

除了Dollhouse之外,Whedon手上的另一個案子是Buffy的spin-off "Ripper"這也是相當


Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2007-11-08T19:01
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2007-11-11T15:26
WW搞不定到裝哮仔的地步...給我 Whedon & Baccarin, 其餘
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2007-11-16T04:14
免談!!!! (敲碗)
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2007-11-20T09:00
Elisa Dushku 超酷~~
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2007-11-24T11:10
Eliza萬歲!!!!! 新影集!新影集!
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2007-11-24T15:55
Eliza & Whedon! 萬歲萬歲萬萬歲!
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-11-26T07:43

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Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2007-11-04T02:05
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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2007-11-04T00:50
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Una avatar
By Una
at 2007-11-04T00:28
Crews被陷害的背後有沙鍋大的陰謀 美麗女律師走了 難道真要CR配? 這集在說俄羅斯金絲貓外銷到美國的故事 但是這個壞人沒有被繩之以法 論在之後會再出現的可能性? KEYMAN到底是誰啊 Crews的眼睛小的讓人覺得可愛阿... -- ╔═══╗╔═══╗╔═══╗╔══╗ ╔═══╗ ...

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Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-11-03T19:45
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