《星際爭霸戰:浩瀚無垠》豪華版雙CD - 電影配樂

By Elizabeth
at 2016-12-13T16:50
at 2016-12-13T16:50
Table of Contents
Varese Sarabande的Club CD又來囉!
(或者說Star Trek電影的加長版CD又來了 XD)
Star Trek Beyond: The Deluxe Edition
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Michael Giacchino
UPC: VCL12161177
Release Date: 12/12/16
Limited Edition Of 5,000 Copies
Continuing our series of Deluxe Editions of our Star Trek releases and
celebrating the 50th anniversary of the entire Star Trek universe, we are
excited to present Michael Giacchino’s epic STAR TREK BEYOND – now expanded
for this 2-CD set Deluxe Edition. Featuring over two hours of music, this is
the one everybody has been waiting for.
1. Logo And Prosper (1:47)
2. Trick Or Treaty (:45)
3. We Come In Pieces (1:17)
4. Thank Your Lucky Star Date (2:14)
5. Night On The Yorktown (5:36)
6. To Thine Own Death Be True (3:32)
7. We Make A Good Team (:22)
8. The Dance Of The Nebula (2:22)
9. A Swarm Reception (2:30)
10. Krall Hell Breaks Loose (3:04)
11. The Evacuation Variations (2:47)
12. Hitting The Saucer A Little Hard (6:10)
13. Scotland’s Worst Cliffhanger (:23)
14. A Hive And Kicking (3:30)
15. Port Of Krall (:52)
16. Jaylah Damage (2:50)
17. No Enterprise For Guessing (:37)
18. In Artifacts As In Life (1:51)
19. She’s One Hell Of A Dish (1:26)
20. Make No Escape About It (2:04)
21. Eat My Thrusters (3:56)
22. The Krall Of The Wild (2:10)
23. Spock’s Vulcan Grip On Death (1:31)
24. Captain On Ice (:42)
1. Franklin, My Dear (2:50)
2. Transporting Good Time (3:43)
3. Krall Work And No Play (:37)
4. A Lesson in Vulcan Mineralogy (5:17)
5. The Cost Of Abronath (2:35)
6. MotorCycles Of Relief (3:18)
7. Mocking Jaylah (3:27)
8. Jaylah House Rock (3:18)
9. Bright Lights Big Velocity (Part 1) (:57)
10. Bright Lights Big Velocity (Part 2) (2:59)
11. Spock Speaks Hive (3:10)
12. Crash Decisions (3:16)
13. Krall-y Krall-y Oxen Free (4:23)
14. Shutdown Happens (4:35)
15. The Root Of Krall Evil (1:31)
16. Cater-Krall In Zero G (2:17)
17. The Dreaded Rear Admiral (2:02)
18. Par-tay For The Course (2:46)
19. Space, The Final Frontier / Main On Ends (2:42)
20. Jaylah’s Theme (2:36)
21. Yorktown Theme (4:32)
22. Star Trek Main Theme* (3:44)
23. Krall Things Being Equal (4:25)
(或者說Star Trek電影的加長版CD又來了 XD)
Star Trek Beyond: The Deluxe Edition
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Michael Giacchino
UPC: VCL12161177
Release Date: 12/12/16
Limited Edition Of 5,000 Copies
Continuing our series of Deluxe Editions of our Star Trek releases and
celebrating the 50th anniversary of the entire Star Trek universe, we are
excited to present Michael Giacchino’s epic STAR TREK BEYOND – now expanded
for this 2-CD set Deluxe Edition. Featuring over two hours of music, this is
the one everybody has been waiting for.
1. Logo And Prosper (1:47)
2. Trick Or Treaty (:45)
3. We Come In Pieces (1:17)
4. Thank Your Lucky Star Date (2:14)
5. Night On The Yorktown (5:36)
6. To Thine Own Death Be True (3:32)
7. We Make A Good Team (:22)
8. The Dance Of The Nebula (2:22)
9. A Swarm Reception (2:30)
10. Krall Hell Breaks Loose (3:04)
11. The Evacuation Variations (2:47)
12. Hitting The Saucer A Little Hard (6:10)
13. Scotland’s Worst Cliffhanger (:23)
14. A Hive And Kicking (3:30)
15. Port Of Krall (:52)
16. Jaylah Damage (2:50)
17. No Enterprise For Guessing (:37)
18. In Artifacts As In Life (1:51)
19. She’s One Hell Of A Dish (1:26)
20. Make No Escape About It (2:04)
21. Eat My Thrusters (3:56)
22. The Krall Of The Wild (2:10)
23. Spock’s Vulcan Grip On Death (1:31)
24. Captain On Ice (:42)
1. Franklin, My Dear (2:50)
2. Transporting Good Time (3:43)
3. Krall Work And No Play (:37)
4. A Lesson in Vulcan Mineralogy (5:17)
5. The Cost Of Abronath (2:35)
6. MotorCycles Of Relief (3:18)
7. Mocking Jaylah (3:27)
8. Jaylah House Rock (3:18)
9. Bright Lights Big Velocity (Part 1) (:57)
10. Bright Lights Big Velocity (Part 2) (2:59)
11. Spock Speaks Hive (3:10)
12. Crash Decisions (3:16)
13. Krall-y Krall-y Oxen Free (4:23)
14. Shutdown Happens (4:35)
15. The Root Of Krall Evil (1:31)
16. Cater-Krall In Zero G (2:17)
17. The Dreaded Rear Admiral (2:02)
18. Par-tay For The Course (2:46)
19. Space, The Final Frontier / Main On Ends (2:42)
20. Jaylah’s Theme (2:36)
21. Yorktown Theme (4:32)
22. Star Trek Main Theme* (3:44)
23. Krall Things Being Equal (4:25)
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