【追。夢 百老匯之夜】 - 舞台劇

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2021-03-08T15:59

Table of Contents

活動訊息【追。夢 百老匯之夜】
I Hope I Get It - A Night of Dreams and Broadway Musicals

有人說「紐約是夢想的製造地」,但真是如此嗎?來自紐約的 Madeline 與 Leo 將帶來


本場音樂會將安排多首百老匯膾炙人口的選曲,例如〈A Million Dreams 百萬個夢想〉
(選自《大娛樂家》)、〈Audition (The Fools Who Dream)〉(選自《樂來樂愛你》
)...... 等等,Leo 與 Madeline 將使出渾身解數,呈現經典與當代百老匯的風情萬種

歌手/張祐寧Leo Chang、藍紫綾Madeline Blue

4.14(三)20:00 露西亞咖啡 Café Rossiya
4.21(三)20:00 露西亞咖啡 Café Rossiya



Have you ever Dreamed a Dream about something you've wanted so badly? They
say New York is where dreams are made of, but is it? New Yorkers, Madeline
and Leo are here to tell you their story about how they navigated their way
into the industry and New York City in the way they know best: breaking out
into show tunes.

Just like many who have lost their jobs due to the global pandemic, these
artists have had their stage taken away from them. With the uncertainty of
when they will be able to be under the spotlight again, they are so excited
to be here back home to perform and unveil the aspiring charms of the
Broadway world they fell in love with in New York.

Come see them perform some of Broadway's most cheerful, and even melancholy
songs. Featuring some of the most popular musical numbers, such as A Million
Dreams (The Greatest Showman) and Audition (The Fools Who Dream) (La La
Land), Leo and Madeline will be performing a showstopping arrangement of
Broadway tunes-- along with a sensational selection of contemporary ones--
that will sweep you away into another world and leave you humming these songs
for the rest of the night! Tickets are limited so get them while they're
still available; this is a show you won't want to miss!


All Comments


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2021-03-07T12:52
想買果陀劇團的票,但需付費會員的編號。 是否有好心人士能幫忙借出您的會員卡號。再麻煩您私訊給我,謝謝您 - ...

贈票-今天下午tifa 樊宗錡幸福老人樂園

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2021-03-07T09:28
臨時有事無法看戲,不想浪費這張票,轉贈有緣人 時間:今天下午14:30 地點:國家戲劇院實驗劇場 只有一張,意者站內信, 我會直接提供電子票連結 - ...

即興課@信義社大 下週開課囉!

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2021-03-05T20:02
【歡樂舒壓學即興~帶你走進微笑生活】下週開課囉! 透過老少咸宜、歡樂無限的即興劇課程,帶給你 1.勇於嘗試的動能 2.打破框架的創意 3.充滿歡笑的夜晚 千萬別錯過那些即將發生的美好,讓我們一起,體驗新鮮事,享受有趣的時光 歡樂舒壓學即興~帶你走進微笑生活 *日期:3/11(四)開始,共十八週 19:0 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2021-03-05T14:59
★《工期、工時、休息》 工作期間:排班制,劇場節目演出時間多為週五晚上及週末午晚。 預定排班方式:每月10日前繳交次月勾選班表,15日公布次月班表。配合演出節目時間, 自演出前1.5小時到班至散場、檢討會議結束。 每日工作時間:概要的工作時間為13:00~17:30、18:00~22:30,依實際演出需 ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2021-03-05T11:25
正式演出: 10/18-10/31, 2021 演出兩週十場 排練期 (2021年上半年就會陸續開始排戲,但主要複習期在演出前幾個月 約6月開始) 劇團4, 5月就會開始排戲 因這次製作較大,演員會以簽合約與可配合排練時間當最後的確認 以下演員目前都還是可以投件 1. 女演員部分 (1) 女演員: (女中 ...