一部有關美國總統的政治片 - 電影

By Carolina Franco
at 2021-01-17T18:02
at 2021-01-17T18:02
Table of Contents
※ 引述《BaBa88 (寶寶抱抱)》之銘言:
: 裡面有一幕的情節是這樣
: 似乎是一位美國總統的當選人還是已經任職總統的美國總統,在電影情節裡面遇到
: 了什麼倒台事件還是政治壓力,然後該總統就翻閱上一任的總統留下來的信還是筆
: 記本。
: 內容大概是寫,如果遇到什麼需要推託甩鍋的事件,那就把矛頭跟責任推給寫這段
: 話的前任總統。然後下一段好像是第二次遇到同樣的事件,還是當甩鍋給前任總統
: 沒辦法解決問題的話,那麼你(現任總統)就得寫同樣的話(信)留下下一任總統。
: 印象中對這部電影只記得這個情節,但想不起有什麼關鍵字可以搜尋到該部電影,
: 大概好像是2005年之前的電影,不曉得電影名稱叫做什麼,所以上來問問看有沒有
: 看過的朋友能稍微回憶起知道是哪部電影嗎@@?
下面《天人交戰》(Traffic, 2000)這一段不知是否是你要找的?
General Ralph Landry: [20:13] You know, when Khruschev was forced out, he sat
down and wrote two letters and gave them to his successor. He said - "When
you get yourself into a situation you can't get out of, open the first
letter, and you'll be safe. When you get yourself into another situation you
can't get out of, open the second letter". Well, soon enough, this guy found
himself into a tight place, so he opened the first letter. Which said -
"Blame everything on me". So he blames the old man, it worked like a charm.
He got himself into a second situation he couldn't get out of, he opened the
second letter. It said - "Sit down, and write two letters".
Robert Wakefield: [laughs] Yep.
: 裡面有一幕的情節是這樣
: 似乎是一位美國總統的當選人還是已經任職總統的美國總統,在電影情節裡面遇到
: 了什麼倒台事件還是政治壓力,然後該總統就翻閱上一任的總統留下來的信還是筆
: 記本。
: 內容大概是寫,如果遇到什麼需要推託甩鍋的事件,那就把矛頭跟責任推給寫這段
: 話的前任總統。然後下一段好像是第二次遇到同樣的事件,還是當甩鍋給前任總統
: 沒辦法解決問題的話,那麼你(現任總統)就得寫同樣的話(信)留下下一任總統。
: 印象中對這部電影只記得這個情節,但想不起有什麼關鍵字可以搜尋到該部電影,
: 大概好像是2005年之前的電影,不曉得電影名稱叫做什麼,所以上來問問看有沒有
: 看過的朋友能稍微回憶起知道是哪部電影嗎@@?
下面《天人交戰》(Traffic, 2000)這一段不知是否是你要找的?
General Ralph Landry: [20:13] You know, when Khruschev was forced out, he sat
down and wrote two letters and gave them to his successor. He said - "When
you get yourself into a situation you can't get out of, open the first
letter, and you'll be safe. When you get yourself into another situation you
can't get out of, open the second letter". Well, soon enough, this guy found
himself into a tight place, so he opened the first letter. Which said -
"Blame everything on me". So he blames the old man, it worked like a charm.
He got himself into a second situation he couldn't get out of, he opened the
second letter. It said - "Sit down, and write two letters".
Robert Wakefield: [laughs] Yep.
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