不可不知關於 S9 的十件事 - 實習醫生葛蕾

By Freda
at 2012-07-28T23:30
at 2012-07-28T23:30
Table of Contents
短評:該留的沒留 該走的不走 (誤)
1. There will be a time jump... sort of. When we rejoin the team in the
season premiere, it's two or three months after the plane crash, and we'll
see how they've recovered and where they are in their lives. In Episode 2,
we'll flash back to the crash site, to see how they got there.
S9E01 的時間軸拉到墜機事件兩到三個月後
S9E02 再來回顧墜機事件的始末(所以應該勉強可以看到 Lexie 吧QQ)
2. There could be more deaths. Dane will be appearing in Season 9, but that
doesn't mean he survives the crash. Rhimes maintains that there could be
additional deaths and cast departures. She does confirm that Meredith, Derek,
and Cristina survive the crash, but she refuses to talk about Arizona's
future, or about whether Jessica Capshaw is returning to the show.
唯一確定從墜機事件存活下來的只有 Derek, Meredith & Cristina
(但根據第三點 存活下來的人也不見得會待在 SGH)
然後 Mark & Arizona 生死未定(不過 Mark 是確定會離開本劇)
3. Some doctors did leave Seattle Grace. In the finale, some of our docs were
planning on pursuing other programs -- and the plane crash didn't necessarily
change all of their minds. We can expect to see more than one former Seattle
Grace doctor working in another hospital. Season 9 is set to take place in
Seattle Grace and in another hospital, the location of which is being kept
under wraps.
S9 將會定調在 SGH 以及另外一家編劇不願透露的醫院
4. When we find the doctors in Season 9, they won't be suffering from PTSD
like they did after the shooting. Surviving the shooting made Meredith and
her comrades stronger, so they're better equipped to cope with tragedy, like
the plane crash. They probably won't be flying too soon, though.
S9 將不會出現 PTSD (太。好。了!!!!不過原因蠻讓人哭笑不得....)
原因是經過多次倒楣事件後 大家都練成了鋼鐵般的心智
5. Derek's hand is damaged. "We're going to watch what happens to a doctor
who can temporarily no longer perform surgery," Rhimes tells TVGuide. "This
is really, very clearly who you blame when your hand is injured like this.
And what do you do and how do you overcome this? Derek is being pretty heroic
about it, which is interesting."
神醫 Derek 的手將殘廢 再來就是端看他如何克服一切以及找到自己的定位
6. Mark's departure won't be taken lightly. "Mark is a teacher to Jackson,
he's best friends with Derek, he's Callie's best friend, he's Sofia's father.
It's going to be a big loss for everyone and I don't want to minimize that,"
Rhimes tells THR.
Mark 的離開將非同小可 畢竟把關係圖攤開來看
他算是 Derek 的好友兼表兄弟(兼本來有機會成為的妹夫QQ)
Callie 的 GFWB (Good Friends With Benefits)
Sofia 的老爸
(更不用說他對於 SGH 的諸多貢獻(笑))
7. Despite the tragedy, this won't be a dark season. According to Rhimes, the
theme of the season is romance, and they'll be exploring how that applies to
love, friendship and surgery. That applies to Cristina and Owen, who we can
expect to see finding their way back to each other this season.
S9 將會是充滿浪漫愛戀的一季(大家都會忙著尋找愛 勇氣以及希望)
重點情侶檔 Cristina & Owen 也有可能找回破鏡重圓的方法
8. Loretta Devine, who was nominated for an Emmy for her performances on
"Grey's Anatomy," will return this season. Though Rhimes refuses to discuss
the new guest stars (like Gaius Charles and Camilla Luddington) she does
confirm that Devine will return as Adele and that her relationship with Dr.
Weber will continue to factor in.
Adele 還在。(無言)
Gaius Charles http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2173080/
(定位感覺跟 Jackson 有點像?)
Camilla Luddington http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2569832/
9. April isn't going too far. Post plane crash, April moved back home, but in
the first episode, she returns to Seattle Grace after two months away. Expect
to see a new version of April -- perhaps more confident -- as she finds a new
place in the Seattle Grace world.
April 將會以全新的姿態以及面貌再度回到 SGH
10. Alex is going to be in a dark place. Arizona was never supposed to be on
the plane that crashed -- she actually took Alex's place, because she felt
betrayed by his decision to transfer to another hospital. He's going to feel
a lot of guilt about that decision this year. Things aren't looking too good
for Arizona fans, guys.
Alex 將會因為害 Arizona 捲入墜機事件而陷入自責的深淵(這算 PTSD 嗎?)
(Alex 本季感覺會很忙
因為另一篇報導說由於 Mark 的離開 SGH 需要有人延續 McSteamy 的愛戀情愫
所以 Alex 會有新戀情 & Jackson 與 April 也會接下去發展)
原文 http://tinyurl.com/bnrffly
雖然講的都是很確定的消息 但是感覺要在前十集演完也不是問題
反正話都不說死 就有無限發展空間(鬼打牆模式XD)
短評:該留的沒留 該走的不走 (誤)
1. There will be a time jump... sort of. When we rejoin the team in the
season premiere, it's two or three months after the plane crash, and we'll
see how they've recovered and where they are in their lives. In Episode 2,
we'll flash back to the crash site, to see how they got there.
S9E01 的時間軸拉到墜機事件兩到三個月後
S9E02 再來回顧墜機事件的始末(所以應該勉強可以看到 Lexie 吧QQ)
2. There could be more deaths. Dane will be appearing in Season 9, but that
doesn't mean he survives the crash. Rhimes maintains that there could be
additional deaths and cast departures. She does confirm that Meredith, Derek,
and Cristina survive the crash, but she refuses to talk about Arizona's
future, or about whether Jessica Capshaw is returning to the show.
唯一確定從墜機事件存活下來的只有 Derek, Meredith & Cristina
(但根據第三點 存活下來的人也不見得會待在 SGH)
然後 Mark & Arizona 生死未定(不過 Mark 是確定會離開本劇)
3. Some doctors did leave Seattle Grace. In the finale, some of our docs were
planning on pursuing other programs -- and the plane crash didn't necessarily
change all of their minds. We can expect to see more than one former Seattle
Grace doctor working in another hospital. Season 9 is set to take place in
Seattle Grace and in another hospital, the location of which is being kept
under wraps.
S9 將會定調在 SGH 以及另外一家編劇不願透露的醫院
4. When we find the doctors in Season 9, they won't be suffering from PTSD
like they did after the shooting. Surviving the shooting made Meredith and
her comrades stronger, so they're better equipped to cope with tragedy, like
the plane crash. They probably won't be flying too soon, though.
S9 將不會出現 PTSD (太。好。了!!!!不過原因蠻讓人哭笑不得....)
原因是經過多次倒楣事件後 大家都練成了鋼鐵般的心智
5. Derek's hand is damaged. "We're going to watch what happens to a doctor
who can temporarily no longer perform surgery," Rhimes tells TVGuide. "This
is really, very clearly who you blame when your hand is injured like this.
And what do you do and how do you overcome this? Derek is being pretty heroic
about it, which is interesting."
神醫 Derek 的手將殘廢 再來就是端看他如何克服一切以及找到自己的定位
6. Mark's departure won't be taken lightly. "Mark is a teacher to Jackson,
he's best friends with Derek, he's Callie's best friend, he's Sofia's father.
It's going to be a big loss for everyone and I don't want to minimize that,"
Rhimes tells THR.
Mark 的離開將非同小可 畢竟把關係圖攤開來看
他算是 Derek 的好友兼表兄弟(兼本來有機會成為的妹夫QQ)
Callie 的 GFWB (Good Friends With Benefits)
Sofia 的老爸
(更不用說他對於 SGH 的諸多貢獻(笑))
7. Despite the tragedy, this won't be a dark season. According to Rhimes, the
theme of the season is romance, and they'll be exploring how that applies to
love, friendship and surgery. That applies to Cristina and Owen, who we can
expect to see finding their way back to each other this season.
S9 將會是充滿浪漫愛戀的一季(大家都會忙著尋找愛 勇氣以及希望)
重點情侶檔 Cristina & Owen 也有可能找回破鏡重圓的方法
8. Loretta Devine, who was nominated for an Emmy for her performances on
"Grey's Anatomy," will return this season. Though Rhimes refuses to discuss
the new guest stars (like Gaius Charles and Camilla Luddington) she does
confirm that Devine will return as Adele and that her relationship with Dr.
Weber will continue to factor in.
Adele 還在。(無言)
Gaius Charles http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2173080/
(定位感覺跟 Jackson 有點像?)
Camilla Luddington http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2569832/
9. April isn't going too far. Post plane crash, April moved back home, but in
the first episode, she returns to Seattle Grace after two months away. Expect
to see a new version of April -- perhaps more confident -- as she finds a new
place in the Seattle Grace world.
April 將會以全新的姿態以及面貌再度回到 SGH
10. Alex is going to be in a dark place. Arizona was never supposed to be on
the plane that crashed -- she actually took Alex's place, because she felt
betrayed by his decision to transfer to another hospital. He's going to feel
a lot of guilt about that decision this year. Things aren't looking too good
for Arizona fans, guys.
Alex 將會因為害 Arizona 捲入墜機事件而陷入自責的深淵(這算 PTSD 嗎?)
(Alex 本季感覺會很忙
因為另一篇報導說由於 Mark 的離開 SGH 需要有人延續 McSteamy 的愛戀情愫
所以 Alex 會有新戀情 & Jackson 與 April 也會接下去發展)
原文 http://tinyurl.com/bnrffly
雖然講的都是很確定的消息 但是感覺要在前十集演完也不是問題
反正話都不說死 就有無限發展空間(鬼打牆模式XD)
All Comments

By Irma
at 2012-07-30T11:23
at 2012-07-30T11:23

By Emma
at 2012-08-01T00:04
at 2012-08-01T00:04

By Daniel
at 2012-08-03T05:47
at 2012-08-03T05:47

By Faithe
at 2012-08-03T10:38
at 2012-08-03T10:38

By Ivy
at 2012-08-06T03:17
at 2012-08-06T03:17

By Connor
at 2012-08-10T03:48
at 2012-08-10T03:48

By Regina
at 2012-08-13T17:43
at 2012-08-13T17:43

By Blanche
at 2012-08-15T15:12
at 2012-08-15T15:12

By Linda
at 2012-08-15T18:32
at 2012-08-15T18:32

By Hedwig
at 2012-08-16T08:00
at 2012-08-16T08:00

By James
at 2012-08-18T01:19
at 2012-08-18T01:19

By Blanche
at 2012-08-19T17:48
at 2012-08-19T17:48

By Cara
at 2012-08-20T16:41
at 2012-08-20T16:41

By Elvira
at 2012-08-21T03:06
at 2012-08-21T03:06

By Oliver
at 2012-08-26T02:48
at 2012-08-26T02:48

By Odelette
at 2012-08-29T14:36
at 2012-08-29T14:36

By Frederica
at 2012-09-02T05:44
at 2012-09-02T05:44

By Catherine
at 2012-09-03T03:22
at 2012-09-03T03:22

By Genevieve
at 2012-09-07T05:09
at 2012-09-07T05:09

By Charlotte
at 2012-09-10T18:03
at 2012-09-10T18:03

By Hardy
at 2012-09-10T22:41
at 2012-09-10T22:41

By Susan
at 2012-09-13T12:22
at 2012-09-13T12:22

By Megan
at 2012-09-18T10:25
at 2012-09-18T10:25

By Tracy
at 2012-09-19T04:39
at 2012-09-19T04:39

By Jessica
at 2012-09-19T19:46
at 2012-09-19T19:46

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-09-22T08:35
at 2012-09-22T08:35

By Rebecca
at 2012-09-26T00:43
at 2012-09-26T00:43

By Lauren
at 2012-09-27T20:39
at 2012-09-27T20:39

By Zora
at 2012-09-29T08:56
at 2012-09-29T08:56

By Olivia
at 2012-09-29T18:52
at 2012-09-29T18:52

By Hardy
at 2012-10-02T19:51
at 2012-10-02T19:51

By Hardy
at 2012-10-07T19:04
at 2012-10-07T19:04

By Eden
at 2012-10-12T16:45
at 2012-10-12T16:45

By Carolina Franco
at 2012-10-17T06:38
at 2012-10-17T06:38

By Susan
at 2012-10-18T09:40
at 2012-10-18T09:40

By Delia
at 2012-10-20T15:21
at 2012-10-20T15:21

By Frederica
at 2012-10-22T08:13
at 2012-10-22T08:13

By Selena
at 2012-10-24T07:37
at 2012-10-24T07:37

By Frederic
at 2012-10-25T09:25
at 2012-10-25T09:25

By George
at 2012-10-29T00:07
at 2012-10-29T00:07

By Victoria
at 2012-11-02T21:37
at 2012-11-02T21:37

By Anonymous
at 2012-11-03T09:56
at 2012-11-03T09:56

By Jack
at 2012-11-05T08:33
at 2012-11-05T08:33

By Poppy
at 2012-11-06T20:40
at 2012-11-06T20:40

By Madame
at 2012-11-08T13:42
at 2012-11-08T13:42
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