亞洲傳統戲曲工作坊-印尼宮廷舞 - 舞台劇

By Kelly
at 2021-09-24T15:09
at 2021-09-24T15:09
Table of Contents
Dance, especially the traditional form, is part of politics of representation. On the other hand, dance, to other material symbols, is embodied. Through dance, we can see how people construct their world, both in everyday life and on staged performances. It has a special power because it is part of representation and a form of action.
This workshop will be delivered to participants who are interested in court dance from a special region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The workshop is an introduction to the court dance, which includes the history and philosophy of the Yogyakarta court dance. Therefore, the participants are expected to know not only the court dances as a skill but also to comprehend the Javanese culture which is represented by the Yogyakarta court.

◇ 報名時間:即刻開放
◇ 報名網址:https://pse.is/3lknaw
[Studio Q 表演教室簡介]
Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-A5260.
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