今天的 Grey's Anatomy 2x16 It's the … - 歐美

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2007-06-05T01:02

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: 推 JO87:所以真的是CR!我看了很久還想說應該只是長得像。XD 06/05 00:46
: → JO87:話說GA幾乎都是用歌名當title,不成文規定? 06/05 00:47

囧!聽你一說我又去查了一下,發現這集跟下集的 title 連起來剛好是

It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
by R.E.M.

不過我還是覺得 End of The World 比較符合 Meredith 早上起床那個死樣子 =.=a


That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane -
Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn -
world serves its own needs, regardless of your own needs. Feed it up a knock,
speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height,
down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for
hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies
breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered
crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population,
common group, but it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its
own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
reverent in the right - right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
light, feeling pretty psyched.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

Six o'clock - TV hour. Don't get caught in foreign tower. Slash and burn,
return, listen to yourself churn. Lock him in uniform and book burning,
blood letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate. Light a candle,
light a motive. Step down, step down. Watch a heel crush, crush. Uh oh,
this means no fear - cavalier. Renegade and steer clear! A tournament,
a tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
and I decline.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mount St. Edelite.
Leonard Bernstein. Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs.
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! You symbiotic, patriotic,
slam, but neck, right? Right.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine...fine...

(It's time I had some time alone)

Tags: 歐美

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今天的 Grey's Anatomy 2x16 It's the End of the World

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2007-06-05T00:45
title 的典故是經典老歌 and#34;End of the Worldand#34;吧~~ Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Donand#39;t they know itand#39;s the end ...

America's Got Talent

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2007-06-04T13:48
今天聽了Americaand#39;s Got Talent冠軍Bianca Ryan的歌, 覺得她唱歌不太像小孩子, 唱的還比大人好, 真的太厲害了, 不知道台灣會不會播啊, 覺得這節目蠻好看的, 星光大道跟這個好像。 -- Iand#39;m射手 射手雖總是掛著笑容 而 心中卻總是有很藍很藍的憂愁 ...

關於 Grey's Anatomy演員的問題

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-06-02T19:59
之前看過報導說,其中一個男演員真實生活中是gay,他是演哪一個角色? Thanks.:) - ...

Wentworth Miller 的搞笑演出

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2007-06-02T18:26
※ 引述《Auto (時空交錯的幻覺)》之銘言: : 看習慣Prison Break裡Michael表現的正經樣子, : 最近去Youtube查男主角的相關影片, : 竟然發現他也有不一樣的搞笑演出, : 笑到我肚子好痛。 : 不曉得這支影片有沒有OP,不過還是很推薦:P : http://www.youtu ...

One Tree Hill 419

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2007-06-02T01:24
雷 一開始接續上一集的最後 Lucas回家撞見Karen跟Dan正在接吻 於是Lucas就很生氣的衝上去推開Dan 然後大聲指控是他殺了Keith 但是被更壯(胖?)的Dan給打倒在地上 叫他不要亂說話 Lucas跟Karen大聲疾呼是Dan殺了 ...