今年的周年船!! - 星際爭霸戰

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2014-01-30T05:53

Table of Contents

Pre-Anniversary Giveaway – Day 3

To celebrate our upcoming 4-year anniversary event (which starts tomorrow,
Thursday, 1/30!), and to thank you for making 2013 the best year for Star
Trek Online yet, we are excited to announce that we will be giving away FREE
C-Store items this week! As we will feature something different each day, you
won’t want to miss out!

Today’s FREE Federation C-Store item is the Saber Escort Refit: Gladius

A variant on the Saber Class that saw extensive action during the Dominion
War, the Gladius has an updated look and technology for Starfleet Captains in
the 25th Century. The Gladius Class comes equipped with an Impulse
Capacitance Cell that can create an Impulse Burst, greatly increasing the ship
’s speed and defense in combat for a short period of time. This console may
be equipped in any console slot of any ship that can be flown by a Federation

To claim:
1. Log into the game on a Federation character that is at least a Lieutenant
Commander (level 10) and has an available ship slot
2. Visit the in-game C-Store via the button on the minimap
3. Navigate to the ‘Ships’ tab on the left
4. Click on the ‘Federation Class’ tab on the top
5. Scroll down to and click on the ‘Gladius Class’ item
6. Click the “Claim” button towards the bottom-right of the interface
before the date and time below
NOTE: Purchase of this item unlocks the ship for all Federation characters on
an account. Once you own the ship, if it has been discharged, it can be
reclaimed via the C-Store or at Ship Requisitions.

Today’s FREE Klingon C-Store item is the Qorgh Raptor Refit: SuQob Class!

The Qorgh Raptor Class that has served the Empire so well in battle has been
updated with new technology for the 25th century battlefield. The SuQob
Raptor comes equipped with a Bio-Neural Warhead. This unique weapon allows
you to launch a heavily armored tricobalt explosive equipped with shields and
a point defense system that is piloted by an onboard bio-neural artificial
intelligence. This warhead will deal massive damage to a target if it reaches
its destination. This weapon may be equipped on any ship that can be flown
by a Klingon captain.

To claim:

1. Log into the game on a Klingon character that is at least a Commander
(level 20) and has an available ship slot
2. Visit the in-game C-Store via the button on the minimap
3. Navigate to the ‘Ships’ tab on the left
4. Click on the ‘Klingon Class’ tab on the top
5. Scroll down to and click on the ‘Qorgh Refit’ item
6. Click the “Claim” button towards the bottom-right of the interface
before the date and time below
NOTE: Purchase of this item unlocks the ship for all Klingon Empire
characters on an account. Once you own the ship, if it has been discharged,
it can be reclaimed via the C-Store or at Ship Requisitions.

These FREE account-wide unlocks must be claimed by tomorrow, Thursday,
January 30, 2014 at 10AM PST when they will revert to their normal prices.

We hope you enjoy this promotion, and we thank each of you for your support
of Star Trek Online.

See you in-game!


All Comments

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2014-02-01T07:22
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2014-02-04T19:24
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2014-02-07T00:10

高雄的實境體驗展 心得 (超開心!)

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2014-01-29T23:52
今天在高雄場拍的很開心, 上午、下午各進場一次,幾乎是包場在玩, :p 2/9 即將結束,還沒去過的要把握機會。 現場光線不佳,要拍照的同好記得帶腳架去才好拍。 - ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2014-01-29T03:01
Pre-Anniversary Giveaway – Day 2 To celebrate our upcoming 4-year anniversary event (which starts this Thursday, 1/30), and to thank you for making 2013 t ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2014-01-28T04:23
※ 引述《vintw (陽光好青年)》之銘言: : 借標題補充一下情報, : 從01/27-01/29三天,每天官方會送C-Store的東西,只要在當天領取後就永久解鎖了。 : 領取的方法就是登入遊戲,去C-Store找到該物品,按下Claim就可以了。 : 上次官方免費送C-Store過季商品活動的時候有送 ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2014-01-26T16:51
轉貼自: https://www.facebook.com/groups/406348955523/10153735443980524/ 學長姐們有機會幫幫忙喔 telnet://ptt2.cc 星艦學院開版 請s至pz_newboard版 /搜尋 ntusfa 進入按 y同意 及連署成功 ======= ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2014-01-26T01:15
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1IuawYgI ] 作者: ijsfkira (ijsfkira) 看板: Gossiping 標題: Re: [爆卦] 反氫原子束被CERN製造出來惹!! 時間: Fri Jan 24 19:29:35 2014 → Israfil:如果說正反物質是互相對 ...