俄亥俄中心影評人協會(COFCA) 得獎名單 - 電影

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2015-01-09T10:48

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2014 俄亥俄中心影評人協會(Central Ohio Film Critics Association) 得獎名單

最佳影片 Best Film:
1. 逐夢大道 Selma
2. 進擊的鼓手 Whiplash
3. 末日列車 Snowpiercer
4. 歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店 The Grand Budapest Hotel
5. 獨家腥聞 Nightcrawler
6. 鳥人 Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
7. 模仿遊戲 The Imitation Game
8. 年少時代 Boyhood
9. 暴力年代 A Most Violent Year
10. 控制 Gone Girl

最佳導演 Best Director:
(Runner-Up) Wes Anderson, The Grand Budapest Hotel (歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店)
達米恩查澤雷 Damien Chazelle, Whiplash (進擊的鼓手)
Ava DuVernay, Selma (逐夢大道)
阿利安卓崗札雷伊納利圖 Alejandro González Iñárritu, Birdman (鳥人)
李察林克雷特 Richard Linklater, Boyhood (年少時代)

最佳男主角 Best Actor:
雷夫范恩斯 Ralph Fiennes, The Grand Budapest Hotel (歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店)
(Runner-Up) 傑克葛倫霍 Jake Gyllenhaal, Nightcrawler (獨家腥聞)
(Runner-Up) 米高基頓 Michael Keaton, Birdman (鳥人)
David Oyelowo, Selma (逐夢大道)
艾迪瑞德曼 Eddie Redmayne, The Theory of Everything (愛的萬物論)

最佳女主角 Best Actress:
艾絲戴維斯 Essie Davis, The Babadook (鬼敲門)
(Runner-Up) 史嘉蕾喬韓森 Scarlett Johansson, Under the Skin (肌膚之侵)
費莉絲蒂瓊斯 Felicity Jones, The Theory of Everything (愛的萬物論)
羅莎蒙派克 Rosamund Pike, Gone Girl (控制)
瑞絲薇斯朋 Reese Witherspoon, Wild (那時候,我只剩下勇敢)

最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor:
(Runner-Up) 喬許布洛林 Josh Brolin, Inherent Vice (性本惡)
伊森霍克 Ethan Hawke, Boyhood (年少時代)
艾德華諾頓 Edward Norton, Birdman (鳥人)
(Runner-Up) 馬克魯法洛 Mark Ruffalo, Foxcatcher (狐狸捕手)
JK西蒙斯 J.K. Simmons, Whiplash (進擊的鼓手)

最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress:
(Runner-Up) 派翠西亞艾奎特 Patricia Arquette, Boyhood (年少時代)
潔西卡雀絲坦 Jessica Chastain, A Most Violent Year (暴力年代)
綺拉奈特莉 Keira Knightley, The Imitation Game (模仿遊戲)
艾瑪史東 Emma Stone, Birdman (鳥人)
蒂坦絲雲頓 Tilda Swinton, Snowpiercer (末日列車)

最佳全體 Best Ensemble:
(Runner-Up) 鳥人 Birdman
(Runner-Up) 狐狸捕手 Foxcatcher
控制 Gone Girl
歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店 The Grand Budapest Hotel
星際異攻隊 Guardians of the Galaxy

Actor of the Year (for an exemplary body of work):
Jessica Chastain (The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby, Interstellar, Miss
Julie, and A Most Violent Year)
Benedict Cumberbatch (The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies and The
Imitation Game)
Jake Gyllenhaal (Enemy and Nightcrawler)
Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy and The LEGO Movie)
(Runner-Up) Tilda Swinton (The Grand Budapest Hotel, Only Lovers Left Alive,
Snowpiercer, and The Zero Theorem)

突破電影藝人 Breakthrough Film Artist:
Damien Chazelle, Whiplash – (for directing and screenwriting)
Ava DuVernay, Selma – (for directing)
(Runner-Up) Jennifer Kent, The Babadook – (for directing and screenwriting)
Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Belle and Beyond the Lights – (for acting)
Justin Simien, Dear White People – (for directing and screenwriting)

最佳攝影 Best Cinematography:
Benoît Delhomme, The Theory of Everything (愛的萬物論)
Hoyte Van Hoytema, Interstellar (星際效應)
(Runner-Up) Daniel Landin, Under the Skin (肌膚之侵)
Emmanuel Lubezki, Birdman (鳥人)
Robert Yeoman, The Grand Budapest Hotel (歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店)

最佳影片剪輯 Best Film Editing:
Sandra Adair, Boyhood (年少時代)
Spencer Averick, Selma (逐夢大道)
Kirk Baxter, Gone Girl (控制)
(Runner-Up) Douglas Crise and Stephen Mirrione, Birdman (鳥人)
Tom Cross, Whiplash (進擊的鼓手)

最佳改編劇本 Best Adapted Screenplay:
Paul Thomas Anderson, Inherent Vice (性本惡)
(Runner-Up) Bong Joon-ho and Kelly Masterson, Snowpiercer (末日列車)
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl (控制)
Nick Hornby, Wild (那時候,我只剩下勇敢)
Graham Moore, The Imitation Game (模仿遊戲)

最佳原著劇本 Best Original Screenplay:
(Runner-Up) Wes Anderson, The Grand Budapest Hotel (歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店)
J.C. Chandor, A Most Violent Year (暴力年代)
Damien Chazelle, Whiplash (進擊的鼓手)
Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, and
Armando Bo, Birdman (鳥人)
Paul Webb, Selma (逐夢大道)

最佳配樂 Best Score:
Alexandre Desplat, The Grand Budapest Hotel (歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店)
Jóhann Jóhannsson, The Theory of Everything (愛的萬物論)
(Runner-Up) Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, Gone Girl (控制)
Antonio Sanchez, Birdman (鳥人)
Hans Zimmer, Interstellar (星際效應)

最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary:
(Runner-Up) 第四公民 Citizenfour
13號恐龍 Dinosaur 13
尋祕街拍客 Finding Vivian Maier
曠世奇片之死 Jodorowsky’s Dune
Life Itself

最佳外語片 Best Foreign Language Film:
婚姻風暴 Force Majeure (Turist)
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
(Runner-Up) 依達的抉擇 Ida
兩天一夜 Two Days, One Night (Deux jours, une nuit)
我們最搖擺! We Are the Best! (Vi är bäst!)

最佳動畫片 Best Animated Film:
(Runner-Up) 大英雄天團 Big Hero 6
曼羅奇遇記 The Book of Life
怪怪箱 The Boxtrolls
馴龍高手 2 How to Train Your Dragon 2
樂高玩電影 The LEGO Movie

最被低估影片 Best Overlooked Film:
鬼敲門 The Babadook
藍色是最該死的顏色 Blue Ruin
(Runner-Up) 明日邊界 Edge of Tomorrow
雙面危敵 Enemy
失控 Locke


Tags: 電影

All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2015-01-10T04:45

第27屆 南加大(USC)圖書館編劇獎 提名名單

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2015-01-09T06:42
第27屆 南加大圖書館編劇獎(USC Libraries Scripter Award) 提名名單 ◎這獎專門評電影改編劇本 提名名單: “控制 Gone Girl”: Gillian Flynn, screenwriter and author of the novel of the same nam ...

2014 美國化妝∕髮型師協會獎 電影類入圍名單

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2015-01-09T01:16
2014 美國化妝∕髮型師協會獎(Makeup and Hair Stylist Guild Awards) 電影類入圍名單 最佳當代髮型設計 BEST CONTEMPORARY HAIR STYLING: 鳥人 Birdman Hair Stylists: Jerry Popolis and Kat Dr ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2015-01-09T01:04
新聞網址: http://hypesphere.com/?p=42889 目前我們只能從一些預告中瞭解《格雷的五十道陰影》(Fifty Shades of Grey)擁有的 性愛尺度, 當然有礙於級別無法透露太多,可能要等到真正上映後觀眾才能完整一探究竟;不過美國 電影協會(MPAA)最新公佈的級別中,正式 ...

即刻救援3 Taken3@地表最強老....爸

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-01-09T00:41
動作電影多不勝數,但品質也參差不齊,在2008年上映的第一集,不但票房佳,風評也好 ,因為節奏明確快速,動作畫面又精彩,更別提連恩尼遜的那句,I will find you and I will kill you!如此霸氣外露的主角,在這動作片泛濫的時代,也能夠佔有一席之位 ,冠上地表最強老爸的稱號,因此我們 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2015-01-09T00:36
大約是民國87~88年的一部驚悚紀錄鬼片,記得片尾內容是在一個密閉房間,女主角本來 以為是某善良鬼魂,結果門卻突然關上,而女主角便說了一句:你不是他 你是誰??? 然後便只剩下尖叫聲.......over 還請指教是哪一部片,感謝 !!!!!! ※ 標題類別錯誤者依 板規14 處理! 發文前 ...