六人行的景點...? - 六人行

By Edith
at 2007-01-05T11:43
at 2007-01-05T11:43
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※ 引述《ShiningRuby (閃亮紅寶石女王)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《chingwen7066 (chingwen)》之銘言:
: : 最近要去紐約
: : 想要去六人行的拍攝地點朝聖
: : 想請問大家有沒有相關的訊息?
: : 比如說片頭的噴水池是在哪裡取景?
: : Monica的公寓外觀是在哪裡?
: : ...........等等
: : 先謝謝了!
: Friends全片都是在好萊塢拍的,
: 印象中唯一實地拍攝的只有去英國的那幾集.....
: 不過影集裡那些常看到的街景等等都真的是在紐約啦!
: 但是片頭噴水池我就不知道是不是在紐約了....
: 我上次去紐約有去找常常出現在影集裡,像巴黎凱旋門的那個拱門,
: 這個拱門在Greenwich Village, Monica的公寓也在這一區,
: 不過我只有找拱門沒有仔細去找Monica的公寓.
: 要去Greenwich Village可以坐地鐵到Christopher St/ Sheridan Sq站
The fountain is located inside Warner Bros. Studio Facilities, 4000 Warner
Blvd, Burbank, California, 91522. That exterior set is known as Park Blvd.
Although the series is set in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, it was filmed in
California. The exterior shot of the Friends apartment building is located at
Grove and Bedford streets in the Village. (The building, located at 90
Bedford Street, has become a popular tourist attraction and residence.)[6] No
scenes featuring cast members were filmed in New York. Even the show's
opening is shot around a fountain on the Warner Brother's studio lot in
: ※ 引述《chingwen7066 (chingwen)》之銘言:
: : 最近要去紐約
: : 想要去六人行的拍攝地點朝聖
: : 想請問大家有沒有相關的訊息?
: : 比如說片頭的噴水池是在哪裡取景?
: : Monica的公寓外觀是在哪裡?
: : ...........等等
: : 先謝謝了!
: Friends全片都是在好萊塢拍的,
: 印象中唯一實地拍攝的只有去英國的那幾集.....
: 不過影集裡那些常看到的街景等等都真的是在紐約啦!
: 但是片頭噴水池我就不知道是不是在紐約了....
: 我上次去紐約有去找常常出現在影集裡,像巴黎凱旋門的那個拱門,
: 這個拱門在Greenwich Village, Monica的公寓也在這一區,
: 不過我只有找拱門沒有仔細去找Monica的公寓.
: 要去Greenwich Village可以坐地鐵到Christopher St/ Sheridan Sq站
The fountain is located inside Warner Bros. Studio Facilities, 4000 Warner
Blvd, Burbank, California, 91522. That exterior set is known as Park Blvd.
Although the series is set in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, it was filmed in
California. The exterior shot of the Friends apartment building is located at
Grove and Bedford streets in the Village. (The building, located at 90
Bedford Street, has become a popular tourist attraction and residence.)[6] No
scenes featuring cast members were filmed in New York. Even the show's
opening is shot around a fountain on the Warner Brother's studio lot in
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