命名為Vulcan的冥王星衛星 - 星際爭霸戰

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-02-26T07:11

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Live Long and Prosper啦!


With a major boost from the hit sci-fi series "Star Trek," one of Pluto's
newly-discovered moons may be named "Vulcan" —that is, if it keeps its lead
over some 30,000 other entries.

Vulcan is the Roman god of lava and smoke and the nephew of Pluto, but many
people know it as the homeworld of Spock, the pointy-eared sidekick of USS
Enterprise captain James Kirk.

The two new moons were discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2011 and
2012. NBC News said the voting is to conclude at noon Eastern Time on Monday.

As of Monday evening (Manila time), Vulcan had a commanding lead over the
other entries in a naming contest for the moons, with well over 150,000 votes.

In contrast, Cerberus, which has the second highest number of votes as of
Sunday, has slightly over 80,000.

Planetary scientist Mark Showalter noted it was William Shatner, the actor
who played Kirk in the original series, who nominated Vulcan for the "Pluto
Rocks" contest.

Shatner continued to campaign for Vulcan over the weekend:
Vulcan, tweeters! Oooh, that doesn't sound too good if you say it fast. ;-)
vote for Vulcan.

As for Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock, he tweeted that it was "only logical":
"Vulcan" is the logical choice. LLAP

LLAP, of course, stands for "Live long and prosper," Spock's classic greeting.

For his part, Showalter said the ballot has been a "real education" for him.

"The write-in ballot has been a real education for me. We sifted through
(about 30,000) entries, many of them backed up by very thoughtful arguments.
Thank you to all who participated," Showalter, a member of the P4/P5
discovery team, said in a blog entry.

He said that while nominations are now closed, he will keep the list of
suggested names handy likely for July 2015, when New Horizons reaches Pluto
and finds possibly more new moons.

'Trek' skew

NBC News quoted Showalter as saying Shatner's endorsement for Vulcan skewed
the results.

"Early on, it's pretty clear there were some Trek fans who seem to have
resorted to augmented voting technologies," he said.

However, he said he is convinced the support for Vulcan is genuine, and he
said he's "come up with a pretty good case" for using the name.

Showalter also promised to argue the best case he can for the winning entries.

"My starting position is that we should work with the names that received the
most votes," Showalter told NBC News on Friday.

No guarantee

On the other hand, NBC News noted that even if Vulcan wins the name game, its
backers will not automatically see one of the new moons named after it.

It said it is not totally up to Showalter and his group to make the
nomination, as he is just one of the leading scientists on the discovery
teams for P4 and P5.

"All the members from each of the teams will have to agree on the names to be
submitted to the International Astronomical Union for approval. Even then,
the IAU could voice concerns about the names they submit, leading to
alternate suggestions. Showalter said he's actually seen that happen in the
case of the Uranian moon that ended up being called Cupid," it said.

Tricky argument

Showalter admitted it could be tricky to have the god of fire associated with
one of the coldest places in the solar system.

"It may well be there's a consensus that it's a great name, but not a great
name for a moon of Pluto," he said.

Also, NBC News said the name Vulcan has been associated with a hypothetical
planet that was thought to circle the sun within Mercury's orbit.

It said some have also suggested reserving the name Vulcan for a planet
beyond our own solar system, but Showalter said there is no IAU procedure for
giving names to extrasolar planets.

Second suggestion

Meanwhile, Showalter said Shatner's second name suggestion, Romulus, has a
problem because it is already the name of a moon.

"Romulus, along with his brother Remus, are the names of the moons of the
asteroid 87 Silvia. They were discovered by a team led by my good colleague
Franck Marchis, now a senior scientist at the SETI Institute," he said. —

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All Comments


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2013-02-25T03:09
抱歉,我猜這一定是非常外行的問題。 我對ST影集的印象已經很模糊,最近看過的作品是2009年的新版電影。 電影中企業號登場時記得是停在星港裡,人員搭小艇登艦。 我對過去的影集和幾部系列電影的印象也是如此, 即企業號停在星球外,人員要嘛使用光波傳送,否則就是搭其他小艇進出; 並沒有企業號直接停在地表上的印象 ...

Andorian New Ship?

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2013-02-23T12:15
昨天上線有看到新船耶 ... 前方可以放5個武器atat ... 感覺這個系列是純攻擊用的? - ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-02-22T14:38
http://ppt.cc/EkaF 有人知道上面這之中文叫什麼嗎?? 一開始看到的時候覺得有點可怕 但是看到後來覺得這隻長的有點好笑 - ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-02-21T19:02
※ 引述《bluesky777 (Road)》之銘言: : 不好意思我又上來請教各位了 : 有人知道Haakonian和Tosk : 這兩個種族應該要怎麼翻才好呢? : 我已經反覆查詢了好多個網站了 : 嗚嗚 台灣好像有播過VOY DS9我就不確定 Haakonian可能之前有台譯 不過因為...大概大家 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-02-21T18:49
各位星際爭霸戰迷 不好意思最近在版上一直丟出好多好多問題 但每次都有人熱情回覆我(高興到要哭了) 回歸重點... 有人知道現在在馬來西亞有一個星際爭霸戰的展覽嗎 就是那麼剛剛好又因緣際會 小的參與了這項計畫 預計今年五月底會到台灣台北做展出 因此小的在這裡整理了很多官方丟過來的原文稿 但因未接觸這個影集和電 ...