哪部暑期票房大片深深傷害了 SF? - 科幻

By Olivia
at 2008-04-18T02:59
at 2008-04-18T02:59
Table of Contents
A. 《星際大戰:新希望》
Before Star Wars, we had Silent Running, Soylent Green, Logan's Run.
Afterwards... pew pew pew!
B. 《外星人ET》
It creamed Blade Runner at the box office, and ushered in a new era of
candy-coated SF.
C. 《蝙蝠俠》 (提姆波頓版)
Showed us that comic book movies could hit big, and led to a flood of them.
D. 《侏儸紀公園》
Amped up the trend of CGI creatures, and gave rise to a million copycats.
E. 《星際終結者ID4》 Independence Day
Created the Will Smith scifi explosion, and cemented the scifi-action movie
F. 《神鬼奇航》
Not a science fiction film, but it supercharged the family-friendly,
effects-heavy adventure film, with oodles of camp.
G. 《變形金剛》
Every other movie this summer wants to be Transformers, which means peeing
robots and blurry CGI. Oh noes!
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