回應上篇文章...Yours Forever - 電影配樂

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2005-07-27T08:48

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※ [本文轉錄自 machinly 信箱]

作者: leila (So be it.) 看板: lyrics
標題: Re: 請問一首電影歌曲....
時間: Sat Mar 31 16:42:05 2001

※ 引述《Socko (I'll Be There For You)》之銘言:
: 天搖地動(the perfect storm)的主題曲
: 是 john mellencamp 唱的
: 歌名是 yours forever
: 請問有人知道這首歌的歌詞嗎?
: thanks!!!!
(theme from THE PERFECT STORM)


Here we are in the grays of winter
Here we are just me and you
Hold my hand
Let's face tomorrow
Tomorrow still holds out its hands to you

This precious time
We've only borrowed
The autumn winds have blown on through
A quiet thought will tell our story
Tomorrow still holds out its hands to you
Tomorrow still holds out its hands to you

So here's some wings
They're yours forever
And here's some dreams that will come true
Take those tears to wash your sorrow
Tomorrow still holds out its hands to you
Tomorrow still holds out its hands to you
Tomorrow still holds out its hands to you


Music by James Horner
Lyrics by John Mellencamp and George Green

Produced by James Horner, John Mellencamp, Michael Wanchic
Reocrded at Belmont Mall, Bloomington, Indiana
on May 20-22, 2000.
Technical Engineer: Mike Stucker

Dane Clark - drums and percussion
Jon Gunnell - bass
Miriam Sturm - violin, keyboards
Michael Wanchic - guitar and background vocals
Andy York - guitar and background vocals
Moe Z.M.D. - loops

※ 發信站: 批踢踢(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From: IP031.dialup.ntu.edu.tw


A life without freedom is not a life.


All Comments


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2005-07-27T01:50
有沒有人可以推薦幾部用歌用得巧妙的電影? 就是那種旋律和歌詞符合電影劇情的 我自己很喜歡以下這幾首 (如果光聽歌沒看電影, 可能還不會這麼喜歡...) 萬花嬉春 Singinand#39; in the Rain 畢業生 The Sound of Silence Mrs. Robinson 北非諜影 ...

Crash 衝擊效應

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2005-07-27T01:17
似乎有點雷..請注意 這片電影在台灣還沒有上映 演員陣容很大:珊卓布拉克、麥特狄倫、布蘭登費雪、雷恩菲利浦 珊蒂紐頓、珍妮佛艾絲波席多、泰倫斯豪爾 劇情主要由一場車禍帶出探討種族歧視所造成的問題 裡面顯明的點出種族、性別、階級的話題 老實說有被劇情震撼到,看了之後心情有點沈重 所以其實配樂都沒啥注意. ...


William avatar
By William
at 2005-07-26T14:57
就是片中快末段的時候 有一首配樂插曲 爬文似乎是U2的歌?? 但是我找不到原聲帶了 請問有人知道那首歌是什麼名字嗎?? 謝謝 - ...

聲影紀事影展八月登場 重溫早年華語電影

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2005-07-26T00:49
(中央社記者黃慧敏台北二十五日電) 2005年國民戲院「聲‧影‧紀‧事-台灣及華語電影的音樂情旅」影展八月登場,邀請 影迷一起重溫舊夢。主辦單位邀請歌而優則演的蘇慧倫擔任代言人,並在今天宣布 楊凡導演、章小蕙主演的「桃色」,將做為影展的開幕片。 策展人藍祖蔚將這次影展分為「時代印痕」、「戲曲歌謠」、「歌 ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2005-07-25T23:24
原聲帶中的Eternity Theme 是不是曾被其他電或廣告引用atat? 因為前幾天看永遠的一天 這首曲子真令人驚艷 有似曾相識的感覺 :) - ...