外國人來台拍攝廟宇文化紀錄片 - 藝術電影

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-06-25T11:25

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Spirit Medium: Feature Documentary Film

A young, ambitious, but experienced, Canadian film crew is in Taiwan filming
a full-length feature documentary called Spirit Medium. Their website
explains it will be a 'stunning sensory exposé. [Using] exceptional
cinematography [to explore] the splendour of Taiwan and how ancient beliefs
fit into modern society.'

This writer caught up with the busy seven person crew at their Tainan base to
talk about the film. The first time we meet is early in the project and Scott
Habkirk (Producer/Writer), the only member of the crew who had previously
been in Taiwan, is just recovering from a nasty viral infection. The rest of
the crew seems to be dealing with Taiwan quite well and enjoying the local
food and exotic experiences. Their busy schedule is exposing the crew to more
of Taiwan than most people see in a year -- and more temple culture than most
non-Taiwanese ever sees...



All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-06-20T23:45
原來標題:山田孝之變身失憶男 午夜單元邀觀眾狂歡不設限 新聞來源: http://www.taipeiff.org.tw/TaipeffNews/newspage2.aspx?NewsID=862 山田孝之變身衰尾失憶男 為爭婚戒《三個未婚妻》四女搶一男 「比基尼」、「制服趴」邀觀眾一起狂歡不設限   ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-06-19T14:58
※ [本文轉錄自 documentary 看板 #1FtNlXIH ] 作者: fansss (新天堂樂園) 看板: documentary 標題: [訊息] 《核你到永遠》6/21(四)at新生一號(免費) 時間: Sun Jun 17 14:40:27 2012 新生一號出口,6月21日(四)《核你到 ...

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2012-06-18T23:41
原來標題:末日影展 探討人類終結狀態 新聞來源: http://www.cna.com.tw/News/aMOV/201206160148.aspx (中央社記者鄭景雯台北16日電)馬雅文明預言2012年是世界末日,高雄市電影館則 策劃「末日/異境…」影展,試圖從相關電影中,探討人類所有終結狀態,包括墜 ...

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2012-06-18T23:11
原來標題:凱撒必須死 黑手黨重刑犯參演 新聞來源: http://www.cna.com.tw/News/aMOV/201206140331.aspx (中央社記者許雅筑台北14日電)勇奪今年柏林影展金熊獎的電影「凱撒必須死:舞 台重生」22日將在台上映,劇中將場景搬到羅馬專關重刑犯的「瑞比比亞監獄」, ...

消失國際影展 @ 竹圍工作室

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2012-06-18T17:31
消失國際影展分為二個系列,一是紀錄片影展加上藝術,另一個是靜態     的攝影展。在這裏,我們不分導演、藝術家、攝影家,並且從柏林國際     短片影展看回台灣的都市更新。     我們規劃一次的行動,拍攝正在消失中的嘉義火車站。六月三十日是嘉     義火車站「小衰尾」台鐵本舖關閉的最後一日,我招集了鐵道 ...