大媽關於離開演員的說法....(劇末) - 實習醫生葛蕾

By Rebecca
at 2012-05-18T19:41
at 2012-05-18T19:41
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Nisio ((._.?))》之銘言:
: 這就是大媽所說......在醫院的人也不安全的意思嗎(炸)
: 完全在玩文字遊戲,
: 公告說死了一個角色,但沒保證只走一個角色XDDDDDDD
: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/hf6723 推特
: NOT READ THIS SUPER-LONG TWEET. Okay? Seriously. Last chance...
: Okay. Callie said it best tonight: Life changes in an instant. Turns on a
: dime.
: This finale was incredibly hard to write. I did not enjoy it. It made me sick
: and it made me sad. We end the season not knowing ANYTHING about the future.
: Except for two things. We know we are definitely saying goodbye to two of my
: favorite people: Chyler Leigh (Lexie) and Kim Raver (Teddy).
: I know this season’s finale had some surprises for viewers and the exit of
: Kim Raver was one of the big ones. But Kim’s series option was up and she
: was ready to give Teddy Altman a much-needed vacation. It’s been a pleasure
: working with someone as talented and funny and kind as Kim; everyone is going
: to miss her terribly. I like to imagine that Teddy is still out there in the
: Grey’s Anatomy universe, running Army Medical Command and building a new
: life.
: I love Chyler and I love the character of Lexie Grey. She was an important
: member of my Grey's family. This was not an easy decision. But it was a
: decision that Chyler and I came to together. We had a lot of thoughtful
: discussion about it and ultimately we both decided this was the right time
: for her character's journey to end. As far as I'm concerned Chyler will
: always remain a part of the Shondaland family and I can't wait to work with
: her again in the future.
: I'd write more but I'm honestly too sad. I don't like life changing in an
: instant and turning on a dime.
: Thanks for watching Season Eight. We are, as always, grateful that you joined
: us for the ride.
: 我的心......碎成一地...........
們要與兩位我非常喜愛的演員說再見了。他們是Chyler Leigh (Lexie) and Kim Raver
約已經結束了,所以Kim演繹的Teddy Altman這個角色將會開始她的旅程,一個更符合她
有人都會十分地想念她的。我喜歡想像在Grey's Anatomy的世界中,我相信Teddy依然存在,
她在Army Medical Command里工作,開始美好的新生活。
我喜歡Chyler,也喜歡Lexie Grey這個角色。她是我筆下格蕾家族的一個重要的成員。做
我們做了許多深入的討論,並且最終一致認為Lexie Grey這個角色的旅程是時候結束了。
據我所知,Chyler仍然是Shondaland family的一份子,而我期待未來能夠再次與她合作
: 這就是大媽所說......在醫院的人也不安全的意思嗎(炸)
: 完全在玩文字遊戲,
: 公告說死了一個角色,但沒保證只走一個角色XDDDDDDD
: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/hf6723 推特
: NOT READ THIS SUPER-LONG TWEET. Okay? Seriously. Last chance...
: Okay. Callie said it best tonight: Life changes in an instant. Turns on a
: dime.
: This finale was incredibly hard to write. I did not enjoy it. It made me sick
: and it made me sad. We end the season not knowing ANYTHING about the future.
: Except for two things. We know we are definitely saying goodbye to two of my
: favorite people: Chyler Leigh (Lexie) and Kim Raver (Teddy).
: I know this season’s finale had some surprises for viewers and the exit of
: Kim Raver was one of the big ones. But Kim’s series option was up and she
: was ready to give Teddy Altman a much-needed vacation. It’s been a pleasure
: working with someone as talented and funny and kind as Kim; everyone is going
: to miss her terribly. I like to imagine that Teddy is still out there in the
: Grey’s Anatomy universe, running Army Medical Command and building a new
: life.
: I love Chyler and I love the character of Lexie Grey. She was an important
: member of my Grey's family. This was not an easy decision. But it was a
: decision that Chyler and I came to together. We had a lot of thoughtful
: discussion about it and ultimately we both decided this was the right time
: for her character's journey to end. As far as I'm concerned Chyler will
: always remain a part of the Shondaland family and I can't wait to work with
: her again in the future.
: I'd write more but I'm honestly too sad. I don't like life changing in an
: instant and turning on a dime.
: Thanks for watching Season Eight. We are, as always, grateful that you joined
: us for the ride.
: 我的心......碎成一地...........
們要與兩位我非常喜愛的演員說再見了。他們是Chyler Leigh (Lexie) and Kim Raver
約已經結束了,所以Kim演繹的Teddy Altman這個角色將會開始她的旅程,一個更符合她
有人都會十分地想念她的。我喜歡想像在Grey's Anatomy的世界中,我相信Teddy依然存在,
她在Army Medical Command里工作,開始美好的新生活。
我喜歡Chyler,也喜歡Lexie Grey這個角色。她是我筆下格蕾家族的一個重要的成員。做
我們做了許多深入的討論,並且最終一致認為Lexie Grey這個角色的旅程是時候結束了。
據我所知,Chyler仍然是Shondaland family的一份子,而我期待未來能夠再次與她合作
All Comments

By Agatha
at 2012-05-20T19:45
at 2012-05-20T19:45

By Vanessa
at 2012-05-21T11:05
at 2012-05-21T11:05

By Oliver
at 2012-05-24T07:19
at 2012-05-24T07:19

By Kama
at 2012-05-26T21:35
at 2012-05-26T21:35

By Ivy
at 2012-05-31T01:10
at 2012-05-31T01:10

By Ophelia
at 2012-06-03T16:07
at 2012-06-03T16:07

By Dora
at 2012-06-08T05:27
at 2012-06-08T05:27

By Caroline
at 2012-06-12T12:14
at 2012-06-12T12:14

By Faithe
at 2012-06-12T19:00
at 2012-06-12T19:00

By Oscar
at 2012-06-15T02:23
at 2012-06-15T02:23

By Andrew
at 2012-06-15T18:13
at 2012-06-15T18:13

By Jake
at 2012-06-19T11:12
at 2012-06-19T11:12

By Mary
at 2012-06-21T17:19
at 2012-06-21T17:19

By Caroline
at 2012-06-24T15:39
at 2012-06-24T15:39

By Catherine
at 2012-06-27T11:53
at 2012-06-27T11:53

By Kyle
at 2012-07-01T19:49
at 2012-07-01T19:49

By Agatha
at 2012-07-04T21:57
at 2012-07-04T21:57

By Faithe
at 2012-07-07T22:16
at 2012-07-07T22:16

By Anonymous
at 2012-07-09T08:45
at 2012-07-09T08:45

By Connor
at 2012-07-14T08:08
at 2012-07-14T08:08

By Aaliyah
at 2012-07-17T04:50
at 2012-07-17T04:50

By Ula
at 2012-07-19T10:23
at 2012-07-19T10:23

By Todd Johnson
at 2012-07-20T06:39
at 2012-07-20T06:39

By Rosalind
at 2012-07-21T18:14
at 2012-07-21T18:14

By Valerie
at 2012-07-24T08:49
at 2012-07-24T08:49

By Delia
at 2012-07-28T01:49
at 2012-07-28T01:49

By Puput
at 2012-07-31T13:12
at 2012-07-31T13:12

By Dinah
at 2012-08-05T10:00
at 2012-08-05T10:00

By Joseph
at 2012-08-06T11:53
at 2012-08-06T11:53

By Kristin
at 2012-08-09T23:36
at 2012-08-09T23:36

By Andy
at 2012-08-11T13:20
at 2012-08-11T13:20

By Eden
at 2012-08-12T09:31
at 2012-08-12T09:31

By Xanthe
at 2012-08-12T16:34
at 2012-08-12T16:34

By Linda
at 2012-08-14T13:54
at 2012-08-14T13:54

By Irma
at 2012-08-18T07:31
at 2012-08-18T07:31

By James
at 2012-08-19T09:45
at 2012-08-19T09:45

By Oscar
at 2012-08-21T08:15
at 2012-08-21T08:15

By Valerie
at 2012-08-22T08:37
at 2012-08-22T08:37

By Joe
at 2012-08-24T09:14
at 2012-08-24T09:14
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