巨雷 燃燒女子的畫像 讀故事的最後一段 - 浪漫

By Hazel
at 2020-02-12T12:12
at 2020-02-12T12:12
Table of Contents
昨晚在洛杉磯的映後座談我事先寫好問題、請朋友代問導演劇中法語台詞敬語使用的轉換,很幸運地朋友被點到了,Celine給了一個很美的答覆 (覺得我跟Celine間接互動到了!!!),跟大家分享一下我覺得滿有趣的這個細節
我請朋友問的是Marianne和Heloise在劇中對話大多用「您」來互稱 (vous或是vous的動詞型態),但我注意到至少在兩個地方他們從vous換成比較熟悉的人彼此會用的「你」(tu),我請導演談一下這個語域(register)的變化,特別是為何是在這兩個時候
(老一輩的法語speaker其實伴侶間彼此用「vous」來互稱滿常見的,被Celine形容為a beautiful, sexy distance給這種語用增添了更浪漫的意義)
I was looking for the second moment. This is another moment. “Ne dors pas.” “Don’t sleep, don’t sleep, don’t sleep.” Of course, it’s [also] “turn around.” Both are [the] imperative form. And [the] imperative form can also be in “vous.” “Retournez-vous.” (轉身的敬語)
Both [are] moments of shift of intimacy, especially “don’t sleep, don’t sleep, don’t sleep.” That doesn’t mean that it’s actually the only time they actually addressed each other in the “tu.” But it means it’s a time you get to share that with them. It’s about your intimacy with the character. It’s also knowing [that] some of the intimacy [that] you haven’t shared. It’s kind of shifts [that are] very emotional. Part of the beauty of writing a period piece for me was, even if I tried to keep
the dialogue kind of flat, in a way, very frank, very straightforward […]. This “vous” thing. It’s such a beautiful, sexy distance. […] It’s a beautiful thing in the French language.
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
昨晚在洛杉磯的映後座談我事先寫好問題、請朋友代問導演劇中法語台詞敬語使用的轉換,很幸運地朋友被點到了,Celine給了一個很美的答覆 (覺得我跟Celine間接互動到了!!!),跟大家分享一下我覺得滿有趣的這個細節
我請朋友問的是Marianne和Heloise在劇中對話大多用「您」來互稱 (vous或是vous的動詞型態),但我注意到至少在兩個地方他們從vous換成比較熟悉的人彼此會用的「你」(tu),我請導演談一下這個語域(register)的變化,特別是為何是在這兩個時候
(老一輩的法語speaker其實伴侶間彼此用「vous」來互稱滿常見的,被Celine形容為a beautiful, sexy distance給這種語用增添了更浪漫的意義)
I was looking for the second moment. This is another moment. “Ne dors pas.” “Don’t sleep, don’t sleep, don’t sleep.” Of course, it’s [also] “turn around.” Both are [the] imperative form. And [the] imperative form can also be in “vous.” “Retournez-vous.” (轉身的敬語)
Both [are] moments of shift of intimacy, especially “don’t sleep, don’t sleep, don’t sleep.” That doesn’t mean that it’s actually the only time they actually addressed each other in the “tu.” But it means it’s a time you get to share that with them. It’s about your intimacy with the character. It’s also knowing [that] some of the intimacy [that] you haven’t shared. It’s kind of shifts [that are] very emotional. Part of the beauty of writing a period piece for me was, even if I tried to keep
the dialogue kind of flat, in a way, very frank, very straightforward […]. This “vous” thing. It’s such a beautiful, sexy distance. […] It’s a beautiful thing in the French language.
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
All Comments

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