已經確認Complete set的內容物了 - 馬蓋先

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2007-10-19T16:17

Table of Contents


而且,某些集數有作重新剪輯?! 意思似乎是這樣


Okay- I saw the MacGyver complete series on DVD box set today at Target. It looks pretty cool- but I don't think it is just the individual box sets jammed into a big box. Doesn't seem to be big enough. I'm sure they've got the individual discs arranged in there somehow though. You've all probably seen the front and sides of the box already- but the back is just black. There's nothing on it. And there's a sticker on it that clearly says that the "Lost Treasure of Atlantis" and "Trail to Doomsday"
TV-movies ARE included! :D
And it costs about $139.99 US - at least at Target. (It's a little cheaper at Amazon.com, by about 4 bucks or so.)
The only thing that gives me pause is that there's a note on the bottom of the box that says that some episodes may have been edited from their original airing. I'm not sure what that means exactly. I wonder if this means that for some reason, the original release of MacGyver Season 1 was included (which had an edited version of "Thief of Budapest"- and perhaps some other stuff.)
I don't know why the later unedited release of MacGyver Season 1 wouldn't have been used though.

Anyway- that's what I could tell from just looking at the box. When I have the money to afford it, I definitely want to pick this item up myself. I think I'll really know everything about it when I can open it and look at it myself.

It's nice to have the TV-movies released along with all the episodes from all 7 seasons (which the sticker also pointed out). But I can't see that there are any other bonus things included with this set. Or at least it wasn't advertised on the box. But perhaps Paramount might still decide to release the TV-movies separately at some point. That kind of thing has happened with other releases before. You never know.

╔═╦═╗╔╬═╬╗╠═╬═╗▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ By luh4
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All Comments


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2007-10-17T17:15
某C兄洩漏給我的小道消息 說第五季字幕進入了最後的修稿階段 所以...... 接下來又是雪崩了嗎XD -- 分組討論區--andgt;視聽劇場--andgt;TV-Set--andgt;TV_Series--andgt;MacGyver ╔═╦═╗╔╬═╬╗╠═╬═╗▄▄▄▄ ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2007-10-16T19:35
※ 引述《komina (我有閃光恐懼症啊! Orz)》之銘言: : 一直都是他 (Dirk Benedict) 演的喔! : Dirk Benedict 還是少數有來過台灣、甚至參加過綜藝節目的影集演員呢! : 他參加過台視【強棒出擊】節目喔! 小白有兩個人演過...但第一代小白演了 ...

Re: 購入霹靂遊俠心得

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2007-10-16T19:14
※ 引述《one9870 (風之痕)》之銘言: : 我在高雄跟嘉義的光南也都有看到霹靂遊俠了 : 目前只出到第二季 : DVD不單賣~一次賣兩片打九折後是548 : 我覺得是物超所值啦^ ^ : 我爸看得很高興 沒錯,似乎年紀比較大的人,幾乎沒有不喜歡看這部影集的 我爸也是猛看我買回去的第一季呀 看完以後,他 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2007-10-16T12:58
※ 引述《swit (swit)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《a9a99 (有個人來愛還是比較好)》之銘言: : : 在書店意外發現 : : 應該有滿多人也喜歡泥巴怪頭 : : 喜歡的人可以去看看 : 我已經買了,才五百多塊,可惜只有一季,不知道會不會再出。 : 是英文發音,中文字幕的,看了後才 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2007-10-16T12:18
※ 引述《a9a99 (有個人來愛還是比較好)》之銘言: : 在書店意外發現 : 應該有滿多人也喜歡泥巴怪頭 : 喜歡的人可以去看看 我已經買了,才五百多塊,可惜只有一季,不知道會不會再出。 是英文發音,中文字幕的,看了後才發現他們英文的名字和 中文翻譯意思不太一樣。 而且第一集裡的小 ...