希斯萊傑過世 - 李安

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-01-23T07:00

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剛剛看到新聞 斷背山男主角Heath Ledger在美國被發現時已經過世

Heath Ledger is found dead in US

Hollywood actor Heath Ledger has been found dead at a downtown Manhattan
residence, a New York Police Department spokesman has said.

"He was found unconscious at the apartment and pronounced dead," a police
spokeswoman said.

Police are reportedly investigating if the Australian actor, who earned an
Oscar nomination for Brokeback Mountain, died of a drug overdose.

The 28-year-old was found dead in the SoHo flat at around 1530 (2030 GMT).

Police said they did not suspect foul play and that his body had been
discovered surrounded by pills.


"We are investigating the possibility of an overdose," police spokesman Paul
Browne told Reuters news agency. "There were pills within the vicinity of the

Police said he had been due to have a massage at the flat.

The housekeeper went to tell him the masseuse had arrived and found him dead
on Tuesday afternoon.

In September the Perth-born actor reportedly split from his girlfriend
Michelle Williams, with whom he has a two-year-old daughter, Matilda.

She played his wife in 2005 film Brokeback Mountain.

The film's director Ang Lee said Ledger's performance had been a "miracle" of
acting, echoing a young Marlon Brando.

He won an Oscar nomination for his role as a gay cowboy in the film but the
award went to Philip Seymour Hoffman for his role as Truman Capote.

Ledger is currently starring in I'm Not There, as one of several actors in a
role representing singer Bob Dylan.

The tragic star also plays the Joker in yet-to-be-released Batman film, The
Dark Knight.

He also starred in A Knight's Tale and The Patriot, and played a suicidal son
in Monster's Ball.

Tags: 李安

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英國奧斯卡 入圍

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-01-18T04:42
最佳服裝設計 最佳非英語片 - ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-01-14T17:06
李安所執導的色戒, 入圍2008金球獎的最佳外語片, 可惜最後得獎的並非色戒, 而是出品國為法國與美國的 [潛水鐘與蝴蝶]. 對李安電影友好的外籍記者會, 這次沒有選擇色戒, 是還滿意外的. 有人說, 金球獎是奧斯卡的風向球, 那麼是否可推測奧斯卡也不會把獎頒給色戒呢? 接下來還是先看英國電影學院頒 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-01-11T13:07
首先跟大家自我介紹一下 我是一個在電影圈工作將近五年的人 現在大部分時間在某研究所讀書,所以從全職工作轉為兼職 不過電影仍然是我的最愛 這段時間離電影比較遠了,心裡覺得虛虛的,於是突發奇想: 來搞個電影讀書會吧 目前我只有一個簡單的想法,就是如果大家願意,我們可以找一個固定的時間地點 大家一起討 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-01-08T10:45
※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板] 作者: SODteam (Sod) 看板: movie 標題: 湯唯大學四級考試作弊當場被抓 時間: Tue Jan 8 10:31:15 2008 ※ [本文轉錄自 joke 看板] 作者: SODteam (Sod) 看板: joke 標題: 湯唯大學四級考試 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-01-07T15:55
請問色戒的床戲有口交嗎? 因為有看到流出片段有一兩秒.. 正片應該沒有吧.. - ...