戰術系技能中譯 - 星際爭霸戰

David avatar
By David
at 2012-02-24T09:28

Table of Contents

Space Skills

Tactical System


Starship Attack Patterns
This skill improves your Starship's Attack Patterns - Alpha, Beta, Delta
, and Omega. The higher your Attack Pattern skill, the better your
Attack Pattern abilities will perform.
這項技能強化你的星艦攻擊模式 - 阿爾法, 貝塔, 德爾塔, 和歐米伽. 你的攻擊
模式技能越高, 攻擊模式能力的效果就越好.
Tactical captains who learn 6 ranks unlock the ability to train Bridge
Officers in Attack Pattern Omega III.
習得六階以上的戰術官艦長, 可以訓練艦橋軍官攻擊模式歐米伽III.

Starship Weapons Training
This skill improves all your Starship's weapon damage, including all
energy and projectile weapons.
這項技能強化你所有的星艦武器傷害, 包括所有的能量和拋射武器.

Lt. Commander

Starship Energy Weapons
This skill improves all starship energy weapon damage, including beam
and cannon weapons.
這項技能強化所有的星艦能量武器傷害, 包括光束和砲類武器.
Tactical captains who learn 6 ranks unlock the ability to train Bridge
Officers in Beam Array: Fire at Will III and Cannon: Rapid Fire III.
習得六階以上的戰術官艦長, 可以訓練艦橋軍官光束陣列: 任意開火III砲擊:

Starship Projectile Weapons
This skill improves all starship torpedo and mine weapon damage.
Tactical captains who learn 6 ranks unlock the ability to train Bridge
Officers in Torpedo: High Yield III and Mines: Dispersal Pattern Beta
習得六階以上的戰術官艦長, 可以訓練艦橋軍官光雷: 密集攻擊空雷: 散佈模


Starship Maneuvers
This skill improves your Starship's Defense value. The higher your
Defense, the harder you are to hit. Accuracy can counter a ships
Defense value.
這項技能強化你的星艦防禦力. 你的防禦力越高, 就越難擊中你. 準確度可以對
Tactical captains who learn 6 ranks unlock the ability to train
Bridge Officers in Attack Pattern Beta III.
習得六階以上的戰術官艦長, 可以訓練艦橋軍官攻擊模式貝塔III.

Starship Targeting Systems
This skill improves your Starship's Accuracy value. The higher your
Accuracy, the more often you will hit a target. The target's Defense
value can counter your ships Accuracy value. If Accuracy exceeds a
targets Defense, and you have 100% chance to hit the target, your
Accuracy value will add to your Critical Hit and Critical Severity -
giving you a higher chance to do more damage.
這項技能強化你的星艦準確度. 準確度越高, 你就越能擊中目標. 目標的防禦能
力可以壓低精準效果. 如果你的精準度超過目標的防禦力, 你就一定可以命中目
標, 你的精準度會加到致命一擊率和致命嚴重度上 - 使你有較高的機會造成更


Starship Stealth
This skill improves your ships stealth abilities, like Mask Energy
Signature or Cloak.
這項技能強化你的星艦暱蹤能力, 像是遮蔽能量訊號或是隱形.

Starship Threat Control
This skill increases your Threat with your Starship attacks. That is,
when you attack a foe in space, that foe will be more likely to ignore
its current target and attack you. You must attack the target to
generate the extra Threat. The increase in Threat is always active and
cannot be deactivated, so you must be prepared for the additional
incoming damage. This skill also grants you a small passive Damage
Resistance bonus, to help compensate for the additional Threat. Note
that Threat generation from this skill will have no effect against
another player (PvP), however the bonus damage resisatance still
這項技能提升你的星艦攻擊造成的威脅值. 這代表當你在太空中攻擊敵人時, 該
名敵人會比較容易忽略當前目標轉而攻擊你. 你必須要攻擊目標才能產生額外的
威脅. 增加的威脅值是會是常駐的, 也不能關掉, 所以你得要有會受到額外傷害
的準備. 這項技能也提供你小量被動傷害抵抗, 好用來抵擋額外受到的傷害. 請
注意威脅值在玩家與玩家的對抗中完全沒有效果, 不過傷害抵抗仍然會有作用.


Starship Energy Weapon Specialization
This skill improves your Starship's Critical Hit and Severity with all
Energy Weapons - like beams and cannons. Your Critical Hit value dete-
rmines your chance to deal bonus damage to a target. Your Critical
Severity value determines how much bonus damage you will deal.
這項技能提升你星艦的致命一擊率和致命一擊嚴重程度於所有的能量武器上, 像
是光束和砲類. 你的致命一擊率決定了你對目標造成額外傷害的機率. 你的致命
Engineering captains who learn 6 ranks unlock the ability to
train Bridge Officers in Directed Energy Modulation III.
習得六階以上的工程師艦長, 可以訓練艦橋軍官指向能量調整III.

Starship Projectile Weapon Specialization
This skill improves your Starship's Critical Hit and Severity with all
Projectile Weapons - like torpedoes and mines. Your Critical Hit value
determines your chance to deal bonus damage to a target. Your Critical
Severity value determines how much bonus damage you will deal.
這項技能提升你星艦的致命一擊率和致命一擊嚴重程度於所有的拋射武器上, 像
是光雷和空雷. 你的致命一擊率決定了你對目標造成額外傷害的機率. 你的致命

...好難翻, 有什麼建議的翻法請提出來
......然後好累, 原本想全翻的, 剩下的看有沒有人有興趣翻吧 _A_

"Oh, him? Yeah, I know him. It's going to take a while. It happened years
ago. Did you know...there are three kind of players? Those who seek Damage,
those who live for protecte, and those who can heal the allies in battle.
Those are the three. And him..."


All Comments

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2012-02-25T18:36
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2012-02-26T10:33
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-03-01T06:40
推啊~ 翻譯雖累但造福大家啊~~
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-03-05T06:28
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2012-03-09T20:43

STO 追求火力,卻常死...

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2012-02-23T21:23
我想追求的是火力輸出全隊第一或第二 Lv 40 的 ADV ESCORT 我用反物質加農砲管(英文好像是 ANTI 開頭) 前頭裝四管 後面是三管各式雷射 火力能量調到 125 速度和偵查都最低 其他能量都給護盾 這樣打 的確把敵人砲的很爽 能看到目標的血一直掉 但是可能仇恨值太高 敵人也一直對我集火 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-02-23T00:34
※ 引述《deathson (小米)》之銘言: : 另外就是要不要開開看公會Event, 可以組隊去打STF, 比較不會碰到地雷... 我最近應該會開一個關於下次任務Operation Gamma的Event 沒開過Event想試著開看看atata 順便來解一解那些要TAC/ENG/SCI才能解的那些成就 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2012-02-21T23:06
你們說,有沒有像? XD http://imgur.com/a/PvgQT - ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-02-21T17:35
PVE打一半的時候經常會問你要不要某些裝備 我一直搞不清楚那是甚麼? 如果pass會怎麼樣? 另外問一個問題 聯邦角色外交要到甚麼程度 才可以進出qonos領域? - ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-02-21T14:31
※ 引述《Dvc (我還是愛台南)》之銘言: : Assignment的任務是不是會隨時間更動啊? : 之前想解一些要用特殊道具的任務 : 想說先買好任務道具(超貴...) : 晚一點再來指派 : 過陣子就發現他任務道具換了...T_T 打開Assignments頁面 你可以看到些訊息 Current Sec ...