新電影年底開拍, 明年暑假上映? - X檔案

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2007-07-15T22:59

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無論如何, 有了劇本總算八字有了....半撇 XD


New X-Files Movie Next Summer?
David Duchovny says the long-awaited film could hit theaters in 2008.
by Eric Goldman

July 14, 2007 - At the TCA (Television Press Tour) today, David Duchovny was
in attendance to promote his new Showtime series Californication. During the
event he was asked about the often speculated about second X-Files movie.
Duchovny said that it was indeed going forward, and added that "Gillian
[Anderson] is onboard."

After the event, I was among a smaller group of journalists who spoke to the
actor further, and Duchovny was asked why he felt so confidant the movie was
happening this time, after years of rumors about different scripts. Duchovny
answered that the reason he was sure about this script was because "I'm
actually supposed to see it next week! Before I would just say that [there
was a movie] because they told me, but now, after talking to Chris [Carter]
-- he's been giving me progress reports -- and he actually called yesterday,
and said 'Next week, you should have something to read.'"

Asked to confirm earlier reports that the movie would be a standalone story,
and not part of the larger mythology arc of the series, he replied "It should
be. It should be a one-off, yeah."

I then asked Duchovny what the schedule for the film might be, in terms of
both shooting it and releasing it, and he said "I think it was November, for
a summer release." When asked if that would be summer 2008, the actor nodded.

Duchovny said he was looking forward to playing Fox Mulder again, and when
asked why, answered, "Because he's cool! It's a great show and I love playing
the character and I like the people."

Tags: X檔案

All Comments

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2007-07-19T09:35
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2007-07-21T06:52
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2007-07-22T01:55
但有劇本總比空穴來風好 :)
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2007-07-22T06:53
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-07-24T14:20
不是句點 是新的開始 ;)


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2007-07-14T19:35
借標題問一下 所以說 得力官方的8.9季至今也是謎樣化嗎? 完全無聲無息 還是就打算裝死到第七季啊 囧 -- 也許 我真的沒有辦法順著自己的意志去追求我想要的 但 我會放棄嗎 我不知道 或許 我會一直心痛下去吧 直到有一天 麻痺為止 - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2007-07-14T08:54
※ 引述《upoo (........)》之銘言: : 喔!我忘了問,究竟第八九季穆德有多少戲份啊? DD 在 S8 後半回來... 照 imdb.com 上面來算的話 , DD 在 S8 總共出現了 10 集... 但如果要用出現的戲份多少來分的話... DD 才出現了 7 集... 8X11 The ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-07-14T06:41
喔!我忘了問,究竟第八九季穆德有多少戲份啊? 在這兩季他應該都還會再出來吧! 今天看了第七季的最後一集,看完後真是難過, 尤其是最後史卡利哭著說一定要把他找回來...... 不過最後史卡利說他懷孕了,難道她自己都沒感到奇怪嗎? 如果她沒跟穆德....的話,那小孩從哪來? 不過看來她好像已經忘了去思 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2007-07-11T09:03
在打工之下.. 終於存夠錢可以犒賞自己了andgt; vandlt;--andgt;目標and#34;X檔案1-9季and#34; -- 在上網搜尋中 看到了一段文字 真的是讓我心有戚戚焉呀!! and#34;沒有X FILES就沒有後來的CSI,24,HEROS...etc.and#34; 也 ...

紀念飛碟墜毀 美羅斯威爾鎮擠爆 UFO墜地球 神秘60年

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2007-07-11T01:33
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/070709/57/gzbb.html 紀念飛碟墜毀 美羅斯威爾鎮擠爆 UFO墜地球 神秘60年 更新日期:2007/07/09 09:10 記者:【黃建育/綜合報導 ...