昇基在CNN的網頁裡獲選為南韓20名hottest男星之一 - 韓國綜藝

By Jack
at 2010-07-05T03:48
at 2010-07-05T03:48
Table of Contents
唉呀~~~個人文筆不好 希望標題不會太饒舌...(尬")
附上網址&昇基在第16位 聽說不是照名次排的
好吧~~~這新聞我是在501版看到的 賢重也是其中之一
於是我心想 應該會有昇基吧...應該有吧...
(我才疏學淺翻譯不了 若有需求者就麻煩高手譯者了...)
16. Lee Seung-ki: Actor / Singer
Can a young father be sexy?
Yes. Yes he can. Singer/Actor Lee Seung-ki has managed to make
that difficult task look incredibly easy in his 2006 hit KBS drama
"Famous Princesses".
Women have fallen for his sweet looks and deep powerful singing voice
over the years. What woman doesn't love a man who can serenade them?
In 2009, he won over Han Hyo-Joo'sheart and millions of females across
Asia with his bad boy act in SBS's drama "Brilliant Legacy".
We can't wait to see what is next for the sweet looking boy next door.
(我不會讓文字變色 不然還真想把 "sexy, sweet looks, deep powerful sining
voice, bad boy" 給畫重點說~~~XDDD)
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