星際大戰 Blu-ray 黑武士新台詞"NOOOOO~" - 影音

By Christine
at 2011-09-02T23:39
at 2011-09-02T23:39
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原文 http://tinyurl.com/3m5ejc8
簡單的說 就是達斯維達本來在第三集中
西斯大帝要把路克電死的時候 他就衝過去把他丟下去
現在在藍光里多了一句台詞 就是 "NOOOO!"
Many would argue that the original "Star Wars" films were masterpieces when
they were first released (the prequels not so much). However George Lucas
just can't stop futzing around with his creations.
The billionaire filmmaker's latest change can be seen in the upcoming Blu-ray
release of the original trilogy. In the battle between Luke Skywalker and the
Emperor in "Return of the Jedi," Lucas has given Darth Vader a new bit of
Originally, Darth Vader just stood and watched the Emperor electrocute Luke
with lightning bolts before coming to his son's rescue. Not anymore. Now,
right before Darth Vader comes out of his daze, lifts up the Emperor, and
tosses him to his death, the Dark Lord of the Sith yells a helpless "Noooo!"
If you're having having flashbacks to the awkward moment in "Revenge of the
Sith" when the newly created Darth Vader screams "Noooo!" after the Emperor
lies to him about Padme's death (awesome parody here), you're not alone.
"Star Wars" fans far and wide have voiced their displeasure. Among the
disappointed is filmmaker Simon Pegg, who wrote on Twitter that he "always
loved Vader's wordless self sacrifice." Pegg then goes on to use salty
language to bring home his point.
Commenters at Entertainment Weekly are equally displeased. One person writes,
"WHY? WHY? WHY? Mr Lucas — do you have sooo much time on your hands that all
you want to do is to simply keep tinkering with the movies? Leave them alone
and go fishing!" Another jokingly posts, "Oh, now I get it. Vader threw the
Emperor down the shaft because he was saying "NOOOOO…." to what the Emperor
was doing to his kid. And here I always thought it was just a big ol' bear
hug that went wrong..."
Still, for all the outrage, Lucas has been unapologetic about his desire to
alter his movies, probably because he truly believes he's improving them. In
the past, he's made Han Solo shoot Greedo first, added Hayden Christensen to
the end of "Return of the Jedi," and given Jabba the Hutt an ill-advised
cameo in "A New Hope." None of thoes changes have gone over well with the
fans who have made him a billionaire. Perhaps one day he'll digitally remove
Jar Jar Binks from "The Phantom Menace." Would anyone complain about that?
All Comments

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at 2011-09-07T06:07
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