本店執行製作Gary Glasberg談S9前瞻 - 重返犯罪現場

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2011-05-22T14:09

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On E.J.'s next move: "She’s giving up her post in Spain and most likely
taking a leave of absence, if not more than that. We’ll have to see where
things end up for her."

On what E.J. removed from Gayne's body: "It’s intentionally mysterious. It’
s a little microchip and will absolutely be something that will come into
play next season."

On Gibbs leaving the door open for her return: "This show is good at picking
up things that haven’t been touched in awhile and revisiting them when

On Cobb's surprising surrender: "I wanted it to be very unexpected and to
take [the characters] by surprise as well. There’s a nice little moment
where they hesitate because they can’t even wrap their heads around the idea
that he’s walked in."

"So there’s a built-in pause that happens before they reach for their
weapons that was just a nice little touch that the actors decided to do that
I was really happy with."

On the idea for Operation Frankenstein: "We knew that Vance was facing some
significant issues after 'Enemies Foreign' and 'Enemies Domestic,' and we
recognized that his relationship with the Secretary of the Navy is a
complicated one."

"This was an opportunity to connect them both to an operation that they were
involved with that could explain some of the layers of their relationship."

"Operation Frankenstein was a concept Vance came up with. SECNAV thought it
was worth following through on. They attempted the project, and in many ways
it was successful. But there was one aspect that even SECNAV lost control of."

"At the end of this episode, SECNAV recognizes the flaws, and that a lot of
the weight of what happened falls on his shoulders, thus the analogy to the
pyramid. And then the decision ultimately is his to do the right thing and

On whether Gibbs knows it was Vance's idea: "I would imagine that Gibbs is
probably privy to how a lot of this unfolded, and in some ways, that will
even the playing field between Vance and Gibbs a little bit as they move into
next season."

"My goal is to have the team, as well as Gibbs and Vance, really have to work
together as a unit a little more in Season 9."

On bringing the team together in this year's finale: "It was a very conscious
decision on our part. We thought going into the ninth season, and because it
seems that audiences really respond when the group has to band together, that
it would be a nice change to enter a season from that standpoint instead of
breaking them up."

On the role of SECNAV next season: "He’s not an adversary, he just has a
different approach to things and there’s information that he’s privy to
that will drive us through a lot of Season 9. Politics and Washington are
gonna play a big part in this next season. It will give us the opportunity to
see another side of NCIS that we haven’t focused on as much."

On whether we've met the person Tony is "assigned" to: "Yes. And that story
line will probably pick up in the season opener. That’s definitely something
that will impact the team. I’m not sure yet how long it will go on, but it
will definitely have ramifications that we’ll follow through for awhile."

On Gibbs' basement project: "If you go all the way back to the mid-January
episode called 'Recruited,' that’s when we started to see Gibbs start to
build something new in the basement. Based on the letter that Gibbs had been
holding to from Franks, the suggestion is that that’s the time when Franks
wrote to him and told him about his illness, and knowing it was terminal, that
’s when Gibbs started to do this for his friend."

On the death of Mike: "It wasn’t an easy decision for us. We love Muse
Watson, we love the character, their relationship is very special and unique."

"The interesting thing is, we were very happy with the way that 'Swan Song'
came out and the use of Franks as this voice that spoke to Gibbs internally."

"The opportunity is there for that conscience or voice to return again at
some point. So I won’t say that is the last time that you’re gonna see Muse

On Ray's text reading “Kort in Tel Aviv. Handle ASAP.”: "Well, it’s
supposed to leave you thinking, not only about the relationship of Ray Cruz
to his fellow CIA agent Kort and what his assignment is, but also the fact
that Kort is in Israel and how that relates to Ziva and her father. That’s
something we’ll definitely return to, probably not in the Season 9 premiere."

"Again, one of the highlights for me of working on this show is being able to
plant new seeds and revisit them as the new season progresses."

On the McAbby moment: "They have a history together and an emotional
connection, and I’m anxious to see what the new season might bring for the
two of them. We’ll see as we go along and hopefully have some fun."

On Ziva and Ray: "[They are] a little open-ended at the moment. There isn’t
any closure to it. We’ll have to see where it leads, but I think he was
pretty clear that he has a job to do at the moment, and that’s gonna be the
primary focus for him."

On Jimmy's engagement: "I have a feeling that the diehard fans are gonna
really enjoy the fact that Palmer is engaged. There has never been an NCIS
wedding, and that might be something fun that we can take advantage of later

What did you take away from last night's NCIS season finale, and how do you
see these events taking shape when the show returns for Season 9? Discuss

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All Comments

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-05-25T20:16
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-05-30T08:18
EJ 不會回西班牙。從便當探員身上拿的東西下季揭曉。Gibbs
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-05-31T18:54
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-06-04T18:23
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-06-05T23:42
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-06-10T05:47
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-06-11T16:49
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-06-13T00:10
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-06-15T01:38
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-06-16T16:36
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-06-17T05:14
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-06-18T02:25
McGee不是有認識一個女生?!?! 玩完了??
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-06-19T10:27
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-06-24T08:47
James avatar
By James
at 2011-06-25T21:36
leverage快播了 (喂)

Gibbs' rules (更新版)

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-05-20T12:58
#1.Never let suspects stay together. (1x01) #1.Never screw (over) your partner.(4x14) #2.Always wear gloves at a crime scene.(1x01) #3.Donand#39;t belie ...

收視率戰報.Season Finale

John avatar
By John
at 2011-05-19T08:00
跟上一季的Finale對比 ※ 引述《ncyc (ラチェットのために)》之銘言: NCIS : 1590萬 3.2 比S6的Finale下跌9%,比上週相比跌3% 1809萬 3.8 (壓倒Glee的3.5) N ...

NCIS 8x24 Pyramid (雷)

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-05-19T00:07
看完這集第一個感想... 阿這集是有需要把劇本保密防諜到這種地步嗎? 爆點在哪裡 囧 p2p killer這集根本是人質抓了又放,放了又抓,打我阿笨蛋,然後就被打死了 (默) 有沒有那麼虛阿 掀桌(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧ 然後麻煩數字家的演員們,請不要再來領NCIS的季末便當了 囧 是有特別豪華嗎? 有需 ...

2011-12 NCIS&LA檔期

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-05-18T22:19
#1Dqy5Fhc (EAseries) 還是不變,不過LA不再帶The Good Wife,改帶新片Unforgettable 明年這個檔期可能會遇上FOX與ABC的喜劇區塊,所以會變得怎樣就不好預測 - ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-05-16T12:19
因為最近在考慮入手智慧型手機, 對手機總是特別敏感, 發現NCIS裡面最近出現的手機已經不是iPhone了! 有眼尖的朋友注意到了嗎? 連Tony拿的也是安卓系統的耶!! 還有某一集的死者老婆也是拿安卓系統的。 算是打廣告吧XD (完全忽略Gibbs的老舊型手機,還特別重是吧XD) 正題, ...