法醫爺爺的搖滾解剖歌 - CSI

By Bennie
at 2006-12-12T23:21
at 2006-12-12T23:21
Table of Contents
※ 引述《DrGrissom (老葛)》之銘言:
: blunt forced trauma to the back of the skull
: and the fractured the occipital lobe (感謝eve28x指正)
: there was massive hemorrhage on the brain
: and death was probably(?) swift~~yeah~~
: 我的聽力不好,還望版上強者加以訂正
『Blunt forced trauma to the back of scalp and the fracture of the occipital
bone; There's massive hemorrhage on the brain and then was probably swift.
occipital bone:通常我們習慣說枕骨骨折,好像不是指brain的occipital lobe骨折
還請高明指教....m(_ _)m
: blunt forced trauma to the back of the skull
: and the fractured the occipital lobe (感謝eve28x指正)
: there was massive hemorrhage on the brain
: and death was probably(?) swift~~yeah~~
: 我的聽力不好,還望版上強者加以訂正
『Blunt forced trauma to the back of scalp and the fracture of the occipital
bone; There's massive hemorrhage on the brain and then was probably swift.
occipital bone:通常我們習慣說枕骨骨折,好像不是指brain的occipital lobe骨折
還請高明指教....m(_ _)m
All Comments

By Isabella
at 2006-12-15T01:06
at 2006-12-15T01:06

By Tom
at 2006-12-15T12:40
at 2006-12-15T12:40

By Isla
at 2006-12-19T10:21
at 2006-12-19T10:21

By Emma
at 2006-12-20T05:01
at 2006-12-20T05:01

By Anthony
at 2006-12-23T16:05
at 2006-12-23T16:05

By Dinah
at 2006-12-26T00:17
at 2006-12-26T00:17

By Candice
at 2006-12-29T06:25
at 2006-12-29T06:25

By Oliver
at 2006-12-30T20:37
at 2006-12-30T20:37

By Ula
at 2007-01-02T21:47
at 2007-01-02T21:47
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