獨立製作招募演員 - 舞台劇

By Carolina Franco
at 2017-07-02T13:48
at 2017-07-02T13:48
Table of Contents
導演:Jack Chakerian
報酬:微薄的津貼、IMDB 職稱、電影拷貝、影片獲利
Email: [email protected]: (請勿用Facebook傳私人訊息)
海恩【男 18-25】認真讀書的學生,因為突發的不幸和創傷對人生感到困惑、麻痺
郭老師【男 27-35】歷史老師,內心是個寂寞的小孩卻偽裝成大人的樣子
思潔【女 18-25】健談的學生,對未來有遠見
嬉皮【女 27-40】隨興,以彈奏吉他維生
警察【男 35-50】一名倦於當警察的警察
婦人【女 35-45】精力旺盛,願意相信所有事情
丈夫【男 35-45】失業的丈夫,有幽默感
立強【男 18-25】海恩的好朋友,喜歡戶外運動,愛玩,容易動怒
小黑【不拘 8-12】立強的弟弟/妹妹,精力旺盛,喜歡假裝自己是機器人
姊姊【女 20-25】立強的姊姊,有責任感
紅漁夫【男 55-65】藍漁夫的老朋友,皮蛋的爺爺,有點自傲
藍漁夫【男 55-65】紅漁夫的老朋友,隨興有智慧
皮蛋【男 18-25】認為自己是世界的中心,大家都說他是個討厭的惡霸
安哲【男 18-25】年輕的哲學家,不接受他人意見
遊民【男 40-50】住在紙箱搭的空間中
西瓜【女 18-25】海恩的朋友,認為自己是最正確的,對於海恩的近況覺得有些內疚
小豆【女 18-25】西瓜和思潔的朋友,好奇心強,喜歡當個聆聽者
小豆媽媽【女 40-50】
阿堯【男 35-45】丈夫的朋友,一名失業的小偷
經銷商【男 40-55】有魅力,製藥並賣藥,和阿堯有買賣關係
店員【女 20-40】一名有禮貌的店員
Working title: “Umbrella”
Director: Jack Chakerian
Producer: Ellie Hsu
Project type: low-budget / non-union
Synopsis: An umbrella moves throughout the city one day, a story unfolds about
the lives of individuals and their unexpected connections.
Genre: drama-comedy
Estimated running time: 70 minutes
Shooting date: August-September 2017
Shooting Location: Taipei
Compensation: small stipend, imdb credit, film copy, backend (negotiable)
Auditions: video submission, July 8th at latest
Email: [email protected] (please no facebook PMs)
HAIEN [Male. 18-25] An academic student, confused and paralyzed by recent trau
ma and misfortune.
MR. GUO [Male. 27-35] A history teacher, a lonely kid disguised as an adult
SIJIE [Female. 18-25] A talkative student and visioneer.
BUSKER [Female. 27-40] Chill hippy who plays guitar for money.
*Must be able to sing and play basic guitar chords.
COP [Male. 35-50] A policeman tired of being a policeman.
WIFE [Female. 35-45] Energetic, inspired by new age philosophy
HUSBAND [Male 35-45] Unemployed husband with a dry sense of humor
XIAOHEI [Male. 8-12] Liqiang’s younger brother, always restless and acts like
a robot.
SISTER [Female. 20-25] Liqiang’s older sister. The responsible one.
LIQIANG [Male. 18-25] Haien’s best friend. Athletic, playful, but easily ange
RED FISHERMAN [Male. 55-65] Blue Fisherman’s old friend, Pidan’s grandfather
. A bit too proud of himself.
BLUE FISHERMAN [Male. 55-65] Red Fisherman’s old friend, wise and chill.
PIDAN [Male. 18-25] Believes the world revolves around him. Others call him a
nasty bully.
ANZHE [Male. 18-25] A young philosopher who won’t listen to others.
BUM [Male. 40-50] Lives in a cardboard fort.
XIGUA [Female. 18-25] Haien’s friend. She is always right, but feels slight g
uilt for Haien’s recent state.
XIAODOU [Female. 18-25] Xigua and Sijie’s friend, curious and prefers listeni
ng to speaking.
XIAODOU’S MOM [Female. 40-50]
AYAO [Male. 35-45] Friend of ‘The husband’, an unemployed thief.
DEALER [Male. 40-55] Charismatic, makes and sells drugs, does business with Ay
SALESCLERK [Female. 20-40] just a polite salesclerk
導演:Jack Chakerian
報酬:微薄的津貼、IMDB 職稱、電影拷貝、影片獲利
Email: [email protected]: (請勿用Facebook傳私人訊息)
海恩【男 18-25】認真讀書的學生,因為突發的不幸和創傷對人生感到困惑、麻痺
郭老師【男 27-35】歷史老師,內心是個寂寞的小孩卻偽裝成大人的樣子
思潔【女 18-25】健談的學生,對未來有遠見
嬉皮【女 27-40】隨興,以彈奏吉他維生
警察【男 35-50】一名倦於當警察的警察
婦人【女 35-45】精力旺盛,願意相信所有事情
丈夫【男 35-45】失業的丈夫,有幽默感
立強【男 18-25】海恩的好朋友,喜歡戶外運動,愛玩,容易動怒
小黑【不拘 8-12】立強的弟弟/妹妹,精力旺盛,喜歡假裝自己是機器人
姊姊【女 20-25】立強的姊姊,有責任感
紅漁夫【男 55-65】藍漁夫的老朋友,皮蛋的爺爺,有點自傲
藍漁夫【男 55-65】紅漁夫的老朋友,隨興有智慧
皮蛋【男 18-25】認為自己是世界的中心,大家都說他是個討厭的惡霸
安哲【男 18-25】年輕的哲學家,不接受他人意見
遊民【男 40-50】住在紙箱搭的空間中
西瓜【女 18-25】海恩的朋友,認為自己是最正確的,對於海恩的近況覺得有些內疚
小豆【女 18-25】西瓜和思潔的朋友,好奇心強,喜歡當個聆聽者
小豆媽媽【女 40-50】
阿堯【男 35-45】丈夫的朋友,一名失業的小偷
經銷商【男 40-55】有魅力,製藥並賣藥,和阿堯有買賣關係
店員【女 20-40】一名有禮貌的店員
Working title: “Umbrella”
Director: Jack Chakerian
Producer: Ellie Hsu
Project type: low-budget / non-union
Synopsis: An umbrella moves throughout the city one day, a story unfolds about
the lives of individuals and their unexpected connections.
Genre: drama-comedy
Estimated running time: 70 minutes
Shooting date: August-September 2017
Shooting Location: Taipei
Compensation: small stipend, imdb credit, film copy, backend (negotiable)
Auditions: video submission, July 8th at latest
Email: [email protected] (please no facebook PMs)
HAIEN [Male. 18-25] An academic student, confused and paralyzed by recent trau
ma and misfortune.
MR. GUO [Male. 27-35] A history teacher, a lonely kid disguised as an adult
SIJIE [Female. 18-25] A talkative student and visioneer.
BUSKER [Female. 27-40] Chill hippy who plays guitar for money.
*Must be able to sing and play basic guitar chords.
COP [Male. 35-50] A policeman tired of being a policeman.
WIFE [Female. 35-45] Energetic, inspired by new age philosophy
HUSBAND [Male 35-45] Unemployed husband with a dry sense of humor
XIAOHEI [Male. 8-12] Liqiang’s younger brother, always restless and acts like
a robot.
SISTER [Female. 20-25] Liqiang’s older sister. The responsible one.
LIQIANG [Male. 18-25] Haien’s best friend. Athletic, playful, but easily ange
RED FISHERMAN [Male. 55-65] Blue Fisherman’s old friend, Pidan’s grandfather
. A bit too proud of himself.
BLUE FISHERMAN [Male. 55-65] Red Fisherman’s old friend, wise and chill.
PIDAN [Male. 18-25] Believes the world revolves around him. Others call him a
nasty bully.
ANZHE [Male. 18-25] A young philosopher who won’t listen to others.
BUM [Male. 40-50] Lives in a cardboard fort.
XIGUA [Female. 18-25] Haien’s friend. She is always right, but feels slight g
uilt for Haien’s recent state.
XIAODOU [Female. 18-25] Xigua and Sijie’s friend, curious and prefers listeni
ng to speaking.
XIAODOU’S MOM [Female. 40-50]
AYAO [Male. 35-45] Friend of ‘The husband’, an unemployed thief.
DEALER [Male. 40-55] Charismatic, makes and sells drugs, does business with Ay
SALESCLERK [Female. 20-40] just a polite salesclerk
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