珍妮佛洛培茲分享她的MeToo故事 - 電影

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2018-03-17T12:28

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Jennifer Lopez Was Asked by a Director to ‘Show Her Boobs’

As an actress and singer who has been in the spotlight for decades, maybe it’s
no surprise that Jennifer Lopez has her own harassment stories to share. Lopez
told Harper’s Bazaar, in the middle of talking about home-cooked meals and the
power of affirmations, that she had been asked by a director to undress in
front of them for one of her early films. Per Harper’s Bazaar:


“I haven’t been abused in the way some women have. But have I been told by a
director to take off my shirt and show my boobs? Yes, I have. But did I do it?
No, I did not.”

她說:"我沒有像其他女性這樣被羞辱過,但我曾被導演要求脫掉上衣露出胸部嗎? 是的
,我但真的照做了嗎? 沒有,我拒絕了"

Lopez has commented on the movement before, but has not specifically said what,
if anything, had happened to her. She had previously said it was “a beautiful
time for women” and “I’m super-excited about the time we are living in right
now — especially for my daughter.” However, in the new interview, Lopez
elaborated on how difficult it was for her to speak up as a young actress.

尤其是對我的女兒來說" 然而,在最新的訪談中,洛培茲描述了對於一個年輕女演員來說

“When I did speak up, I was terrified. I remember my heart beating out of my
chest, thinking, ‘What did I do? This man is hiring me!’ It was one of my
first movies. But in my mind I knew the behavior wasn’t right. It could have
gone either way for me. But I think ultimately the Bronx in me was like, ‘Nah,
we’re not having it.’ ”

我到底做了甚麼? 這個男人要僱用我诶,這是我生涯前幾部電影,但我內心知道這是錯的
"隨便啦, 不會那麼雖小的啦""

Lopez also talked about her affinity for affirmations embroidered on pillows,
including “No limits but the sky; life is short, live your dream.” She should
consider getting a “Nah, we’re not having it” pillow as well.

實踐夢想" 或許洛培茲應該考慮去弄個繡有"隨便啦,不會那麼雖小的"的枕頭

Tags: 電影

All Comments

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-03-21T03:22
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2018-03-22T12:32
唯獨不喜歡她 不知道為什麼很不愛這個臉


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2018-03-17T11:25
圖文版請於連結:https://kevinmoleaf.weebly.com/text/2033116 畫面無法的音樂可以,掌握觀眾心境的幕後利器 電影原名:Score: A Film Music Documentary 視覺與聽覺方面,人雖然感官有七、八成都掌握在視覺上面,聽覺只佔了極少的面積,但 這 ...

蜘蛛俠:英雄歸來 Peter 搞怪“試鏡”

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2018-03-17T10:43
https://muxiv.com/tc/mv/5599930 好萊塢科幻冒險動作巨制《蜘蛛俠:英雄歸來》曝光了彼得搞怪“試鏡”特輯,青蔥少年“荷蘭弟”搞笑鬼馬的模樣十分吸睛,引來一大票迷妹的連連尖叫。電影自全球各地上映以來,新一代蜘蛛俠“荷蘭弟”的搶眼表現收獲了無數觀眾的喜愛。 - ...

本週 iTunes Store 特價 + 4K 電影報

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2018-03-17T10:30
【本週 iTunes Store 特價電影 x 新片 x 4K 特價】 本週發生了大事,物理學大師霍金逝世了。而 iTunes 也特別特價了 『愛的萬物論』來紀念他。 同時飾演霍金的演員艾迪・瑞德曼主演的另一部精采之作『丹麥女孩』 也躍上 NTD90 之列,如果喜歡瑞德曼與最近擔綱『古墓奇兵』的艾莉西亞・ ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2018-03-17T10:22
防雷 --- 爬了一些文好像沒有人有跟我一樣看法XD 若有重複了再自刪 我覺得特別講到脖子上的傷口、失去了講話的能力、在河流旁邊被發現的棄嬰 跟最後傷口變成了鰓。 讓我覺得女主角應該在嬰兒的時候就被丟棄在河裡,是and#34;Himand#34;救了她,並且在她 ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2018-03-17T09:27
手冊電子版下載點 https://goo.gl/O0E34K 4/1開賣。4/13-4/22舉辦。今年最搶的應該是房間(The Room)三連擊的cult夜場?www 是說,這樣洛基恐怖秀應該比較好買了吧 - ...