知名搖滾樂團「嗆紅辣椒」對影集 Californication 提出告訴 - 歐美

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2007-11-21T16:31

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原文網址 http://ca.music.yahoo.com/read/news/20856346
Red Hot Chili Peppers sue Showtime

背景介紹:Red Hot Chili Peppers (中譯嗆紅辣椒) 是知名的搖滾樂團
     Californication 是他們 1999 年發行的專輯
     Otherside 就是收錄在這張專輯裡面
     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IumNe7guYXs Otherside
     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnIjmY-WFG0 Californication
     Dani California 則是他們在 2006 年出的成軍第九章專輯的第一首單曲
     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjC0Td4uFDA Dani California
     影集 Californication 則是 X 檔案穆德探員 David Duchovny 今年的新作

大意:簡單說就是嗆紅辣椒認為 Californication 跟 Dani California 這兩個名字,
   (這點我同意,而且 RHCP 在美國頗紅) 而劇組作這樣的使用,是不公平的競爭、

   執行製作 Tom Kapinos 則宣稱,靈感是來自於 70 年代的汽車保險桿貼紙
   上面寫著 "Don't Californicate Oregon" (因為那個年代有大量加州人湧入該地)

11/19/2007 11:00 PM, AP
The Associated Press 美聯社

The Red Hot Chili Peppers on Monday sued Showtime Networks over the name of
the television series "Californication," which is also the name of the band's
1999 album and a single on it.

The lawsuit alleges unfair competition, dilution of the value of the name and
unjust enrichment, claiming the title is "inherently distinctive, famous ...
and immediately associated in the mind of the consumer" with the Red Hot
Chili Peppers.

"Californication is the signature CD, video and song of the band's career,
and for some TV show to come along and steal our identity is not right," the
band's lead singer, Anthony Kiedis, said in a statement.

The television series stars David Duchovny as a novelist suffering from
writers' block and a mid-life crisis.

The show features a character named "Dani California," which is also the
title of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song released in 2006, the lawsuit noted.

The suit also names the show's creator and executive producer, Tom Kapinos,
and two production companies, Twilight Time Films and Aggressive Mediocrity,

A call Monday to an attorney for Showtime was not immediately returned.
Attempts to find a listing for Kapinos were not successful.

The suit seeks a permanent injunction barring Showtime and the other
defendants from using the title "Californication" for the show, damages and
restitution and disgorgement of all profits derived by the defendants.

In July 2007, Kapinos told reporters at a Television Critics Association
press tour in Beverly Hills that he first heard the term in reference to

"Apparently in the '70s there were bumper stickers that said 'Don't
Californicate Oregon,' because Californians were coming up there, and I just
thought it was a great, great title for this show," said Kapinos.

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2007-11-25T21:39
我想起另一套劇集One Tree Hill~ 不過Californication
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2007-11-26T23:19
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2007-12-01T11:33
的確 當初聽到這個影集 也是直覺想到RHCPs的歌
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-12-01T21:56
我也是 @@a
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2007-12-02T13:37
californiacation指的是RHCP沒錯但不是dani california
喔 是他們之前另一張很紅的專輯 californication
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-12-06T23:45
Dani California 是去年的單曲,也是 RHCP 的喔...
然後影集的 Californication 裡有個女生叫 Dani
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2007-12-07T19:34
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2007-12-09T04:33
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2007-12-09T10:51
我比較想說 看完這影集第一季 真的不推 聽RHCPs的歌值多了
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-12-11T09:21


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2007-11-21T11:57
聽說香港可以買到一些影集的DVD 請問有人知道 哪有賣嗎 請分享一下 - ...

The Unit S03E08

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-11-20T23:21
雖然沒什麼人看了.. 不過還是防一下 (雷) 大哭 Hector竟然領便當了... 前兩集 Hector才目睹不該看的東西 不禁讓人亂想....XD -- - ...

Chuck 109 You had me at pastrami.

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2007-11-20T19:42
好亂好亂啊! Rachel Bilson出局了,還好! 這次幫 Josh Schwartz 義氣客串,不管是外表或是角色個性, 都不如The O.C.來的吸引人,何況這段真是快的離譜, 所以就結束啦。 大家期待已久的 Chuck - Sarah 配終於正式出現了...well, sort of..XD ...

Dexter 208 (超精采的!)

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-11-20T19:19
(雷) 建議沒看過這集的朋友,先去看完再來討論,精采度會加倍喲!^^ 【如果有人要放spoiler,千萬要在標題提示,我不要被炸唷!XD】 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Doakes到Dexter家搜查,結果發現他的血液樣本盒了!!!! 還有Debra和Angel那 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-11-20T12:52
如題 請問台灣會上嗎? 是什麼時候才會開始上映呢? 之前看到網站介紹,很期待耶` 不知道有沒有人注意過? 謝謝大家的告知 -- 八號2樓,請你來坐坐 http://www.wretch.cc/b ...